
MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God, In the background of humanities struggle, the world of nature continues to flourish and provide. There is an inherent complexity in the design,  and this complex web continues its flow into our veins and cells,  proving once again that we are part of the ongoing order of life. What part do we play? What should we do to in the competition for survival? We ask to be filed with your Spirit of Holiness that provides us with knowledge, insight and wisdom. Help us on our journey O God. Humbly speaking and seeking, we are yours. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear Creator God, May there Be Truth Beauty  Harmony In our Life. A Trinity like Unto the Father the Son the Holy Spirit. Show Us the Way the Grace the Peace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God, We have contemplated the rising of the sun and its setting from beginning to end. In our birth we have yet to see an ending and in our ending we often contemplate our birth. The mystery of life is the intrigue, Its fullness found in our experience. Let there be magic, wonder, awe, love  and experience of grace both universal and personal in the interval. How good it is to know God and the joy of creation's unfolding. How fortunate we are. AMEN 

MorningPrayer Wednesday EarthDay

                                                                                                                 peach blossom                                                                           Dear God, We realize that we are not isolated, an entity unto ourselves.   We are interactive community creatures,  flowing out from our core into the world and, like the wind,  becoming part of the movement of every living thing.   We realize that at our core, is the very breat...

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God, We are created in beauty and found in the promise of life eternal. We are intricate and complex,  systems of cellular design and spiritual interaction. We shall continue to live lives of purpose and integrity  and find meaning in our expression of love and faith.  We shall trust in you  and in the gifts of wisdom, knowledge and compassion  that you have shown us.  In the Jesus way we shall  be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, Help us to rebuild ourselves into pristine vessels of your countenance. May our sagging pillars and musty interiors be refit and renewed. May we be transformed libraries of your knowledge and wisdom and may your spirit flow through the corridors of our mind. Reborn, nurtured and nourished in you, we live. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God, Sometimes we need to look to the future. We travel the room of the present and peer into the space before us. We need a good attitude of hope  and joy in the promise that lies before us. We have already been nurtured by love and nourished in grace. "Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life And we will be in the house of the Lord forever. AMEN