
Showing posts from October, 2013

MorningPrayer Thursday

Hi God,    How about a really special day, today; a day of enchantment, wonder and contentment.  Maybe we can be a princess or prince or magical being with wondrous, loving powers. Maybe we can slide the  curling wind with laughter and know the  exhilaration  of our birth.  Maybe we can eat a cookie,  paint a fall flower, watch a falling leaf, sit and sleep.  Maybe we can know profound love and the mystery of life. In your will and way let us dance. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,    In the beauty of this day let us lift our voices in praise, and let us be lifted up in joy.  Let us take time to pause and be still and allow our hearts and minds to absorb the wonder and glory of creation.  May we be saturated in the light of God's mind and immersed in the winds of the Spirit.  In the grace of the moment and the wonder of the possibilities, may we live and breathe. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,     Grant us the faith to continue through the day in spite of conflicts and fears.  Grant us the wisdom to discern the patterns of life and hold on to the life raft of belief. Give us an attitude of cheer, knowledge and acceptance to deal with the things we cannot change. Put a spirit of wholeness and deep inner joy within our spirits. May we not forget the love we have been shown, the gifts we have been given and the grace in which we thrive. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,    The routine of the days is consistent and ongoing: "there is morning and there is evening", another day... Is "there nothing new under the sun?" What we did yesterday, we will do today and we will do tomorrow.   Is there a break in the routine, God? Perhaps, the pause, the moment of newness is in our hearts of compassion and our souls of love. It is here that we find meaning and the transforming spirit of life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Lord,    Quietly, silently, gently we awake and clear the mist from the sky with a Holy breath.  We raise our arms with a prayer and sweep cobwebs from the air. The music of awakening begins in the clarion caw of crows and flutes playing with the sun. Fleeting images of the night coast across our horizon and melt away into the possibility of a new day.  Take our life, O Lord, and float us into the meadow of sun and the woods of dappled leaves.  Let our name be serenity and in the hush of the dawn may we whisper the wonder of love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,    Thank you God, for the warmth of the spirit, keeping us in the heat of faith while shivering in the cold of difficulties and fears. May your spirit dance like flames of fire, heating our minds and warming our hearts.  May we be filled in the comfort of your love, knowing that we are protected and warmed in the fire of your grace. In gratitude may we relax in your care. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,    Sometimes with weary hearts and tired spirits we turn to you, crying out for help. Like the Psalmist, we feel we are sinking in the mire and our enemies surround us.  Hear our cry, O God.  Respond to us. Reach out a hand a grab hold of our own. Help us to dry land and then cleanse us in your fountain of grace.  In hope we call your name, knowing that you hear and will rescue us, and give us a calm spirit. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

 Dear God, We have memories that float through our minds like sifting scents from Grandma's kitchen; pancakes, coffee, molasses.  Slipping through the cells of our mind old thoughts, dreams and reflections transport us into a different dimension and we smile or grimace and sigh. Remembering connections we dream new dreams and create new memories.  You, O God, are as real as the memories ald and  new. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Lord of Healing, For wounded spirits we pray; for relationships that grate like a chainsaw and inner hurts that prick like burrs on bare feet. For all souls out of sync with the universe and looking  for peace and tranquility, we pray for harmony and transformation. For hearts at rest and breath that is content, we pray.  For our distress, disease and dis-ease and our need to forgive and be forgiven, we pray.  For the ability to let go and give to you, our God, our wounded self, we pray. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,     May your word flow through the air, cleansing and purifying.  May you flow into those who need healing like a cauterizing flame of the Holy Spirit.  Like streams of fresh water,  may you flow through those who need channels of energy opened.  May you pour into minds that need hope, anointing with grace our thoughts and beliefs. Ignite in us the power and joy of the Spirit so we might be eternal flames of peace and love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,     From infinity to infinity we stand on the shore of eternity.  From trillions of particles of sand under feet to trillions of stars overhead we stand among billions of people composed of unseeable atoms.    We ride upon ships the size of skyscrapers, have diseases that we can't see and have feelings we don't understand.  Surely, God, this is a complex universe and our lives, though tiny are significant-- are not meaningless.  Help us to understand our place in the cosmos and in this small space we call home.  Hold us, O God, in the palm of your hand. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Lord God,    Be with those who mourn and sigh, might they know of your compassion.  Be with those who are in conflict and turmoil, might they know of your peace.  Be with those who live in the boxes and chains of injustice, might they know of your comfort and freedom.  Be with those who experience demons that darken dreams and fill with terror, might they know the soothing balm of healing.  Be with us all Lord, might we know of your presence that guides us in the paths of righteousness and fills us of the spirit of your wonder, joy and mystery. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,     Sometimes we find our selves waiting; looking ahead to the next minute, hour, day or even year.  W are sure that the grass will be greener, the apple sweeter, the economy more friendly and our life better.  In our anxiety and pain of the moment, we miss the present moment and forget to be thankful and fail to fill ourselves with the anointing cup.  Yes, God, we know that sometimes where we are is harsh and uncomfortable, but help us to achieve balance in this cycle and rise to the occasion with gratitude and love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,    Thank you for things beautiful in sights and sounds:  For whispering, wings orange butterfly and flowers yellow shining.  For birds, chirping songs brightly and light, mellow and clear. For clouds floating like sea foam and ocean waves murmuring. In the rhythm ceaseless of these days endless, might we breathe an insightful breath of stillness and see serenity  in the butterfly of the present. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,    Sometimes the patterns, forms, shadows and reflections of our life are confusing.  We attempt order and structure and end up with chaos or boxes of attitude and behavior that choke us.  Help us, God, to make sense of the world in which we live.  Help us to restructure where necessary.  Show us new patterns of being, that help us to live, assist one another, and bring the Kingdom of your love into being. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Lord of Light,    Shine on our world.  Heat us with the radiance and brilliance of life giving imagination and creative love. Ignite our sense of wonder and mystery and twirl us with colors of cosmic explosions and new-born life. Kindle the eternal fire of hope and and the passion of starlit vision.  Help us to see through the darkness of night, the fear of nightmares and then  burst forth with the energy of star children. Fire us up, O God. AMEN

MrningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,    In your mercy and love we live. Like birds in the air we fly in the heavens of your grace and float in the abundance of creations bounty.  We are grateful. We give thanks for all we have been given. Help us to reach for the highest and beest, using our God given potential in the midst of numerous opportunities. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,    Where did we come from, who are we? Are we a name in the book of life or a number on a government spread sheet?  Did our ancestors trudge over tall mountains or  deserts and cross the seas in flimsy boats?  Are we ancient star dust and the visions of you flowing through us,  a flowing stream of cosmic spirit? Can we follow the branches of our family tree back to the bud and the fruit?  Does our diary  depict our  face in the morning mirror?  Just wondering...where, who, whose we are.... Let us close our eyes and see us in the palm of your hand, nestled safe and secure, O God.  Then, we will know. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Lord God,     We greet the day with a partially open eye and a sigh.  Our vision expands in the filtered light and the sounds of cats, dogs, children rustling.  The smells of coffee invite our taste buds to waken up and we arise and re-greet the day with a hug and a smile.  It is no small thing to wake up and get going.  It is no small thing to have an attitude that invites the possibilities of awakening and newness of vision, heart, soul and mind into our lives. It is no small thing to say, "Take me, God, I am yours, thisday!" AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,    Goodness gracious, where has the day gone, God. Some days slip, slip away like sand running through our fingers.  Slow down day, you're going to fast, I can't catch up.  Grab my hand, Lord, and pull me along, or slow up the day with a stern word. The sun is pulling the breeze along in the billowing of sheets and towels and my shadow is spiraling and soaring. Some days are like this, some are. Thank you God for this day. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,    We  live in a world that might be friendly or unfriendly, a culture of greed or selfless giving,  a people of hatred or love, a civilization of scheming or cooperating;  we ourselves live with potential and opportunities.  Help us to find the best way, the higher ground, the most meaningful manner of being.  Lead us God, in the true light so that  at the end of our day, we can be happy and joyful that we have done the right thing.  Refresh our spirits and re nourish our minds in the love and compassion that passeth understanding. Let the one known as Jesus the Christ, be our mentor. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,    Surprise us today, O God!  Spring an exclamation point upon us!  Overwhelm us with a, WOW.  Wash us and flood us with a cleansing spirit-filled rainbow of multi-colored grace.  Open our eyes to the wonder of angel-haloed light.  Launch us on a comet flaming through the universe faster than light.  Surprise us, O God; with a small smile, a cats purr, a red leaf falling a touch of friendship a cinnamon bun and a loving prayer. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,     Deep thanks for the harvest.  The farmer's market has shelves and bins full  of orange, yellow, tan, green, red, brown, purple produce from the good earth.  Abundance, selection and the blessing of choice fill our lives; most of us are truly graced in the comforts of creation and culture. May the wonder of it all push away our stress and fears, our doubts and our desires and give us a boost of vitamin filled spirit of divine life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Gracious Lord and God,     What word do we need to hear today?  What thought, understanding, poetry of the soul will fill us full to overflowing?  What memo of love will bring us peace?  Sometimes we don't know or we think we know, but don't.  Sometimes we look into the mill pond of ourselves and see the sky reflected. Sometimes we see the murky surface and sometimes we see into the still waters.  We see different visions and understandings of who we are, but only you, O God, can see the depths of our heart and soul.  We ask for your presence and your guidance. We pause and are still, so we can be alive to your word. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,    Take us this day and use us for your peace. May we be those who listen to the human voice of others and hear their soul.  May we strive to see below the issue and conflict and relate to the person.  May we be at peace in our heart, having let go of our ego and desiring the grace of God to be the soothing, healing ointment of our spirit. With the helping hand and compassionate touch of Jesus we pray. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Holy Lord,     We stand in the cathedral of your mystery; clouds of pink dot the sky  of newborn blue.  May we pause and be still and absorb the majesty of our heavens.  May we pause  and allow the serenity of your presence to enter into us like  the bread and juice of holy communion.  May we pause and be saturated in the grace of memory that lofts us up on eagle's wings. And then, may we smell the good earth and  reach out and say to the leper, be healed and to the paralytic, rise. May we be the helping hands of your holy touch. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,      In your gracious mercy we rise and begin our day.  May we quietly go about the business of our lives, treading softly so as not to create tension, fear or stress.  May we gently go about our day, flowing like angels on wings, leaving a lullaby of harmony and peace behind us.  May we feel your presence in us, lighting the way and bringing opportunities for smiles and hope to all we meet. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,    This day, O God, be with those who have special needs of healing and comfort.  Many of us awoke to the glory of the day, the beauty of light and the possibility of love.  But many awoke to pain and sorrow and stress in their lives. We are grateful for all we have been given and we think with compassion of those who are facing trials.  We extend the loving hand of prayer and walk in spirit with them. May Jesus hold their hands. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,    Sometimes it seems we live in a world of polarized conflicts and opinions so strong we  are broken by strong winds.  And yet, how much simpler it would be to bend with the wind while staying rooted in the ground; to be palm tree rather than maple.  How much better for relationships and communities and families if we can reason and let go and move on.  We do share this earth you have given us and we do desire to live together in harmony.  Help us, O God, because it appears we are failing .  We are a stubborn people and we need your help.  We throw ourselves on your mercy. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,     May our faith be strong in the midst of difficulty and adversity.  When our view is clogged with mist and clouds, may we remember the spirit wind of prayer that will clear us a pathway.  When we are bogged down by inner darkness and pain, may we be picked up by your light of hope and filled with the anointing oil of your touch. May we always remember that you are with us and love us. AMEN