
Showing posts from September, 2014

MorningPrayer Tuesday

  Dear God,  Just as the trees shed leaves and the plants cast aside old growth, so might we be so brave as to cast aside and shed those things we no longer need or use. A fall cleaning of our spirit, mind,emotions and physical world. May the cycles of the natural world permit us the gift of simplicity as we cleanse, purify and breathe unencumbered by the burdens we often carry. Jesus said, to take only sandals and one garment. May we be so bold. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Holy Lord,      May the sacred energy of the universe vibrate within us, aligning our thoughts with the holiness of your infinite being.  In the eternal power of your love might we breathe and know the oneness of creation's endless hum.  Is it the angel's singing or the universe growing or our hearts beating that we hear and that gives us joy? In the mystery of your grace and the timelessness of space we live, forever. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,      Replenish our bodies so we might stand and do.      Renourish our minds so we might think and be.      Refresh our senses so we might experience and know.      Restore our spirits so we might be alive.      Renew us in  your love, O God.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,            Thank  you for this day. A day of potential and opportunity.  Let us pause and look around; there is beauty everywhere. There is also need and opportunities for caring and giving.  Let us be balanced and in harmony with the people and places of this day. Help us, O God, to be gracious and kind, to be thoughtful and considerate. Help us to have open hearts and minds as well as resolution and purpose. Be our guide and guard, wee pray. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Lord God,   How do we know your will for us?  Do we search through books of analysis. Do we ponder books of psychic phenomenon. Do we blow with  the winds, follow the seasons, watch for signs on earth and heaven.  Do we listen to distant voices, follow sages advice.  Do we allow our intuition to flourish and grow and believe in our instincts. Do we meditate, reflect, sit still and cogitate. Do we pray and be still and attend to the whispers in the silence. Do we love you with all our heart and soul and mind and strength, and our neighbor as ourself.  Embrace the way, the truth and the life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,     Whatever we might do or be about this day, may we take time to be holy.  May we turn aside and see you in the burning bush and the leaf as it falls from the tree.  May we see you in the child's smile and the quiet look of the wise one's.  May we be emptied of conceit and ill health and centered and filled with sacred fire. May we burn with the gentle glow of sunlight in the meadow and flow like the pond rippling. Let us be still and know you, Our God. AMEN

MoringPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,    As we go about our daily tasks might we do so simply and humbly. May our walk of this day be a day of gentleness and our footprint be soft and caring. May we walk hand in hand with you and may our footsteps be guided by your vision. As we encounter other travelers might we do so with friendliness, knowing that even small encounters can be Godly. In your presence and in your care, we breathe. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Holy Lord,   Our days on earth are like a song blowing on the winds, floating and flowing across a varied landscape. We mingle with other songs and we create new harmonies out of our current melody and the music rises to God and is blessed. We continue to flow in the winds of the Spirit as a symphony, a rite of spring, the autumn equinox, the requiem is birthed and the song is pleasing to God and we find love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Holy Lord,    We are recycled water and cleansed air.  We are the land we walk and the atmosphere in which we move. We are stardust  and the stuff of the earth.  Minerals of ancient civilizations fill our cells and the winds of the cosmic birth  saturate our lungs.  We are immersed in all that is and we become all that will be. There is no end to you and no beginning of us. We are one. Praise Lord, all spaces. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,    In earth and heaven,    In us and outside of us and all around us.    Your Kingdom be, your will be, for all humanity.    Our daily needs be met    And protection be.    Pure and shame free may we be.    Redeemed and reconciled with all.    We praise you and give you thanks,    Our Lord and God.    AMEN

Morning Prayer Saturday

Lord,    Saturday floats in on the night breeze with a whisper and a hush.  Luring us forward with scents of coffee, cats pawing, chainsaws buzzing and deer grazing.  Come! says the day. Come! Enter into my presence with singing and shouting, in silence and mystery. Life awaits those who immerse themselves in the oils of opportunity; not to conquer but to relate. Not to overcome but to participate within. Come! says the Almighty. Come! I am calling you, forth. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,     Today, some of us need to flit from bush to bush like a butterfly in the breeze. Random floating exercises of leisure, carefree personal expression. Today, some of us need to move in a straight bee-line from flower to flower, accomplishing tasks undone and missions yet to be accomplished. The agenda is tight and the time is short. Whatever, our needs and desires for the day, might we still take time to pause, give thanks, offer praise, smile purposefully and laugh. occasionally. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,     On this spinning planet of greens and blues, browns and whites, may we help create the colors of the rainbow.  With vitality and energy may we cast a red here and streak a yellow there. May we splash a purple and smear a chartreuse. May we bring to life a burning crimson and a fluid orange. May we rest in egg shell blue and sleep in midnight indigo. May our creation's of color bring life and radiance as we feast upon this gift of life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Creator God,    Please lift the veil of secrecy and let us see the horizon. Let us know where we are going and when we will get there.  May we see the distant future and have faith in the outcome. Sure, we are people of faith, but our occasional disbelief needs bolstering and uplifting. Come on, God, open our eyes with your all-seeing hand and let us know what you know. ... and if not, then walk with us through the mist, hold our hand, and let us share your courage. Faith will get us through. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Holy Lord,    Let us be still and sit quietly in that silent space of our mind.  Let the stars move in the vault of the heavens and the winds blow the wisps of clouds. Let the flowers flit with the meadow butterflys and the waters purr in the pond. Let us be reflective and meditative and find the smile of silent whispers. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,    Sometimes fear gets in our way, holding us back, keeping us from moving forward.  Help us to deal with our fears and take the steps through the wilderness we must take.  When the demons of the wild threaten to overwhelm us, may we set our gaze on you and reach out a hand for you to hold. Give us the strength and courage to cast aside doubts, and anxieties and move with cautious confidence into the  wilderness of our fears and dreams. Be a pillar of light for us, O God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,       There is beauty everywhere. The earth the sea the sky  are saturated with all the colors of thought and flowing in wisdom.  The imagination of humanity is oftentimes exquisite and as magnificent and grand as a sunset or a honeybee.  May our eyes and ears  be anointed with the oils of your heart and all our senses filled with the breath of your mouth. May our hands touch this cathedral of life in harmony and joy, blessed with the task of responsible compassion. In Jesus name we pray. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,    We awaken, each in our own way; acorns falling on metal roofs, wind shuddering the trees, cat bounding across the bed, baby talking, silence, coffee percolating, silence. Each in our own way we start the day, looking to the sky, watching the floor, preparing our agenda, sitting still and praying. Each in our own way, let the day begin, let us be in this day, mindful and alive. Each in our own way. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Creator Loving God,   If we were birds, soaring on the thermal waves of your love, we would float with majesty and faithfulness.  You would not let us fall.  We would see with your eyes and know the land of earth and humanity with your heart. The heavens our paradise and the earth our landscape of delight, would fill us full and we would be joyful in the unity of the brown, green and blue of this Kingdom. O, God, help us to soar and know such delight. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Holy Loving Lord,     Be with those who have suffered loss,  hold them in their remembered pain.  Whether it be the loss of national calamity and tragedy or a more singular private loss, your children need comfort, God. Hold our tears, our anger and disbelief in your loving heart.  Provide comfort and a soothing balm that flows over us and through us. May your spirit of new life bring growth and fruits of hope and nurture. In the Jesus of compassion and forgiveness, we find our model and guide. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Loving God,     Be with those among us who are tired and weary.  Hold the hand of those who are teetering off balance from physical or mental troubles.  Sustain and heal those who are undergoing testing, or procedures.  Be a light that shines on us in the darkness and a deep and holy breath of the living spirit. May we live in peace and love another day so that we can offer praise and thanks to you O God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,      Sometimes we look for meaning in what we do.  We wonder if our lives and our contributions are significant and really matter. We scan the horizon of our activities, searching for the grist that is transformational.  And then, we pray. We pray that we offer the best of who we are.  We pray that our search for knowledge will lead us into wisdom.  We pray that as we let go and give thanks, we also give praise.  We pray to live in appreciation and gratitude for this gift, this treasure of life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,    As the sun rises over the hills our prayer becomes a song growing in the light and warmth of your presence. Our lungs fill with the Holy breath and our spirits soar in the exhalation. Our blood courses through our veins like a mighty river, our cells jumping for joy in the hymn of creation. You whisper the love song to us and we smile at the dawning of this new day. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord     Heaven and earth are full of your glory.  You are present everywhere. In our search for meaning may we see your presence and know your glory in all things. May we exalt and find the treasure of life. In our search for understanding, may we find your touch and know your bounteous grace. In this mystery, may we live. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Holy Lord,     The fog lies heavy across the land, casting deep shadows in the gaps of our mind. Shake the leaves and fibers, the winds and synapses and clear away the morning mist. Let your light shine heavily and brightly in the crevasses and hollows, chasing away the darkness and the night creatures and illuminating the holiness of the sacred moment. Bring clarity  to this space of thinking and being. Let grace ignite the heavens. AMEN

MorningPrauyer Thursday

Dear God,    May we be good listeners to those who speak or don't speak.    May we be quietly reflective as we think about what we have heard.    May we be reasonable speakers as we respond.    May we be Christlike in our way of relating and being. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,    In the depths of our mind, those endless caves and caverns, we plow and search.  We dig our way through the strata and deposits  of countless seconds and endless ages looking for  glittering diamonds and veins of gold and silver.  We blindly grope, twisting and turning in the darkness and bewildering maze of our ancient selves.  We need light, God. We need the light of your presence and the glow of your mercy. Be with us. Light our  pathways  and our search. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,    This day we begin again. This day is a new start, on  un-finished business and a beginning on new events yet to unfold. This day is a turning, twisting, flowing movement in creation.  This day is a gift and a potential treasure trove of wonder and joy as the mystery and promise is unveiled. This is a sacred and holy day where God lifts the veil and gives us the prize. In the Spirit of Holiness let us  be in awe in this day. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,    May this day of labor be labor free:  does a leaf spiral as it falls, how does a spider dance in air, is it dust floating in sun beams, are there night sounds during the day, where is the moon now, where do those mosquitoes come from, how fast does the rose bloom. Can wee see, hear, feel anything different and learn something new today. How did Jesus spend his free time? AMEN