
Showing posts from January, 2016

MorningPrayer Sunday

Holy God,    The sky is ablaze with the birds rejoicing, calling forth the dawn of glory and wonder. We lift our eyes in amazement and listen in awe at the beauty that surrounds us and the harmony of laughter rejoicing. Thanks to God, for all we have been given, for the love and grace in the sanctuary of the Spirit.  In gratitude at the opportunity of this day and of our own potential brought to light, we breathe a silent prayer of thanks. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,     Sometimes we are lonely for the hearts that have held ours, for the sighs that have trembled and the whispers that flow like honey. We sit quietly with our silent breath and watch the sunlight sparkle the room and fill our mind. There is a gentle joy in the space of knowing and the spirit reflecting and we know that we are not alone. We are anointed with the light of love that never ends and the blessing of eternity. Peace, be still, we hum.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,     Create in us clean hearts.  Put us on the x-ray table and reveal our hidden parts and inmost thoughts. Place us in the fire of love and purify our spirits and renew our souls. In your presence, we can be better than we are. We can heal and grow and transcend the demons of the world.  Hold us up to the light and transform us into vessels of your ultimate grace. In love let us be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,     Sometimes we ride the Holy Spirit like a gentle jet stream, taking us through a landscape of reflections, visions, new events and ideas of life and love.  We pause and swirl around precious thoughts and memories of years ago and the faces of loved ones float in and out of our mind. Propelled by the ever-flowing stream, we flow along, hopefully wiser and more caring and more honest in our life view and approach.  Help us Lord, to flow in wisdom and love and be light-givers of the Spirit. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Lord of Wisdom,     Teach us today.  Teach us what we need to know and give us deep understanding. Take us into the abyss of knowledge and far from the surface that merely reflects  images but does not really know.  Plunge us into the waters of wisdom so we might contribute to others like the elders and saints of the ages. Provide for us a teacher, like Jesus, that can help us on our journey. May we not be content with rumors of understanding but truly be wise and knowing. AMEN

MoringPrayer Monday

Dear God,      Give us the Christ mind and heart; that precious quiet soul that moves gracefully through conflict and pain and transcends to a higher level of understanding.  May we float in serenity down the rough waters and through the chaos, knowing that Jesus floats with us and calms the wind and the waves of our spirit with a prayer, "Peace, Be still!"  May we sit in the circle of your vision, meditating on your will and way in our life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Holy Lord,     Sometimes our hearts need to be colored red in hope and you give us the crayon. Sometimes our tongue is rusted and squeaky and you give us the oil of love.  Sometimes our minds are frozen and colorless and you give us the rainbow of grace. Sometimes our bodies are stiff in fear and you give us the jump rope of joy.  Sometimes our souls need to be strengthened and you give us the foundation of truth. Most of the time, we need you, O God. Following Jesus from here to eternity...AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,      The closet of our mind is filled with shirts unworn, pants tattered, hangers twisted and random stuff scattered. We plunge in to organize and get bogged down in old flannels with flashy memories and lose our focus of the present age. We need a Spirit filled hand and a beggars touch to sort and sift through where we've been and who we are.  Clothe us again, Lord, in righteousness, justice, mercy and clear-sight as we reflect and meditate our way through the closets of our life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,     Do we dare open our eyes to the sound of the new day? Will we see snow falling or stars still rising. Will our eyes work in the mist of our brains and the fog of the dawn. Will tasks undone be miraculously accomplished and the to do slate wiped clean.  Will eternal youth have healed our aches and pains and wisdom replaced our swamp of understanding. Will our Amens be prayers of gratitude and praise or complaints of burdens and sorrows.       Whatever we see on opening our eyes, might it be the vision of your heart and the mind of your soul in the loving of the Holy Spirit.  Thank you God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

                                                                      Dear God,                               Part of  our life is being caught in the contradictions                                        and living with understanding and prayer:              Some people might like and need snow and cold for their business and income               and others might find it a horrible burden and even have deadly consequences.                                     ...

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Creator God,    Out of the snow falling you picked a single snow flake and named it, me.  Each of us, so individual and unique but so the same.  In our diversity, we find creativity and mystery and in our sameness we find caring and connectedness.  Help us to celebrate each of these qualities as we choose the blessing of living in harmony with one another. In Jesus name, we pray. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,     The tree tops and rounded hills stand rose-headed in the morning chill, rising from the dark of night into a day of promise. Like beggars before the Christ we move from the gloom into full illumination.  You see us and cleanse us and clothe us in new clothes of serenity, woven out of hope and love. We too, are illuminated in the risen son and shine radiant in the deliverance of new life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,     Sunday Morning. May we be a sponge to absorb the beauty and wonder of the day.  May we be saturated in the holiness of space, wherever we are. In the sanctuary of your presence might we know your love and be immersed in your grace.  Slow us down to a gentle hum and a silent crawl of being so we might be filled with the sacred and reflect on the mystery that surrounds us. In your presence we breathe, AMEN

Morning Prayer Friday

Healing Holy Lord,    A prayer of  wellness and wholeness.  You are the master physician and we look to you for energy, vitality and health. May  your power of healing flow through us, especially those who are ill and mending, so that our cells may regain their vigor and our bodies flourish.  As much as we are able might we be living vessels of your  love  and flow as vehicles of your grace. Alive and well in Spirit and  in the  joy of being, we offer our thanks and prayer. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,    If the opportunity presents itself, may we be gentle teachers of wisdom and knowledge. For each of us has gifts of the Spirit that we can share, new understanding that can enlighten and grace to impart.  May we be kind and caring mentors of light and elegance.  May our knowledge be a soft cloak that helps others to embrace life and move forward in human and earth relationships. In the name and power of a caring. compassionate rabbi, Jesus, We pray. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,     Sometimes we get nervous, our insides quake and churn; our breathing is ragged and our vision becomes clouded. Please hold us in the palm of your hand and calm us. Carry our anxiety and help us to be still and peaceful. Lead us gently and with confidence over the foaming waters through ragged wind to safety and harmony.  In you, we shall be tranquil. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Holy Lord, Thank you for this day, ablaze with light, haloes on the mountain tops, sentinels awash in diamonds standing watch. Miracle and mystery glowing, and you, God, embracing the world with shining eyes and hopes for our future. Humbled by love and alive in grace, we lift our eyes to you and walk the radiant walk of service and joy. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Holy Lord,    This morning, may we be still after the rush of the week.  May we slow ourselves into serenity and float in the Spirit of bliss.  May we cast off the burdens that enslave us and bend our back. May our bodies rest in the hammock of a slow pulse and our minds drift in the bird song of rhythmic melody.  In harmony of mind, body and spirit may we be gentle and free in the love and grace of heaven's smile. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,     You urge us to be positive in our thinking and in our self-expressing.  Help us to be optimistic and see opportunity and potential.  Cleanse us with the waters of blessing and truth and raise us into a new life of the Holy Spirit.  May we be people of deep inner joy and may our creative urges flow, becoming the river of healing grace.  In the name of the one who saw light out of the darkness, we pray. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,     As we approach each new day, may we do so with kindness and a gentle heart.  May we strive for patience and understanding, even when we are confused by the adventure and uncertain as to our goals. Help us to be attentive and hear, to pause and be reflective and to speak with care and compassion. May we be Holy in our ways, as we model ourselves on you. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God, Can we sing, Glory and Praise, even in the midst of despair?  Can we intone, God with Us, even when feeling alone?  Can we Believe and  Open eyes wide in Faith, even when filled with doubt? Can we Hold your Hand and Feel your Embrace, even when shivering in the cold?   Yes, We Say Again, Yes. Because we have been fed from the Basket of Wholeness, Given drink from the Body of Wellness.  We close our eyes in Awe.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God, Dear God. Hear our prayer. We pray for those who are sad, depressed, distressed and disheartened. For those who are thirsty but have not found the path to the waters. For those whose spirit lies dormant within and sees gray and feels cold. We pray for them to drink of the living waters and know the vibrant rush of the Holy Spirit of love and grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,       The slow heartbeat of creation has melted our bodies and molded us into new creations.  Our spirits flow like singing waters from the mountaintop of your love and we are graced into the rivers and oceans of your soul.  There is no beginning nor ending.  There is only the repetition of breath and the blinking of the rhythmic eye.  In the Cosmic Christ we are birthed from the first to the third day in the sun drop  of eternity.  We are infinite and we live in communion with all. One is all and all is one. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,      The clutter in our life is a burden, our backs are bowed and our hearts are heavy.  We need a fresh start, a new beginning.  Help us to fling  the shade aside and open the window onto a dew laden empty expanse of opportunities.  Help us to clean the slate and gaze at the white space with clear eyes.  Help us to stand on the stage and find new lines for the drama and comedy of the hour. Clear our desk and our room of old stuff and make way for life, alive and vibrant. Let us epiphany our way into the future, AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Holy Lord,    For some of us our journey is linear and others cyclical.  For most it is both, and we have traveled far in spirit and body. We have turned with the wheel and flown towards the suns rising and setting. We have been washed clean by the tides and we have ridden waves mighty and small. We have stood at the foot of the cross and we have gazed into the empty tomb. The aroma of anointing  oils and flowers is strong. And yet, our journey continues in ways unknown and unexpected.  We pray to travel with you as our companion and Spirit guide of love. In grace, we close our eyes and see. AMEN