
Showing posts from February, 2016

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear Holy Lord,      The journey sometimes seems long and arduous. Carry us on eagle's wings, the soaring spirit of your loving presence.  Reveal to us from the heights, the foundations of the earth, the firmament rising above us and the oneness of all of creation. In majestic flight, hold us safe and sound and give us the wisdom of meaning and holy presence. Let us feel the wind in our faces and the awe and joy of your infinite being. In Jesus we pray. AMEN    

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,       What does it mean to be blessed, to follow dreams unknown and find fulfillment and life in abundance? Such has been my life and my days in ministry.  I have truly known the blessings of your love, have lived in the palm of your hand and breathed the Spirit within your grace. The gifts, words, actions and compassion that have been my ministry have come from you, for you have molded me and formed me.  It has been my prayer to be a vessel of your grace and a vehicle of your love and that prayer continues, O God.  May I be the living servant of the living Christ. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,     Night has ended. Day has come.  Sunlight spilling through the trees. Dark sticks marching across the meadow. We are solid beings, filled with light and air, weaving dreams and memories of shadows and creating sculptures that withstand tempest and storm.  In this flow of life, this infinity of atoms and blood, you are there, our God, our image maker and template of design. From nowhere you came, birthing heaven and earth.  You share our mortality and our eternity. Praise and awe we are. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Creator God,    Yo have adorned the heaven with bows of brilliance.  The skies are washed clean and our souls are prepared for cleansing. We cup our hands in gratitude and receive the light of grace and the waters of healing.  In gratitude we say, Thanks, and with raised heads, receive the blessing with faces shining and spirits glowing. In praise we live. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,     Sometimes, dreary weather creates dreary souls, we feel droopy and weary.  We look for a spot of sunlight dancing on the trees  or in the meadow.  A bright ray of light offering a gleam of hope. "Light, fall on us, brighten our faces and freshen our minds," we pray, and out of nowhere, you appear and shine with a brilliance of love and grace. Healed, saved, brought to new life. Enlightenment. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,  As we float down the river of life,          throw us a lifeline if we are being swept away,          give us a push if the current is stagnant,          hold our head above water if we are being pulled under,          float with us if we need support. And then, let us be part of the Living Water of your Spirit. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord of heaven and earth, Hear our prayer.  We bow in silence and humble ourselves before the wonder, majesty and glory of creation. Our words fail in the mystery of love and grace that flows like gentle wind and pulsing flute. Our deepest breath of gratitude spills from our mouth in laughter and our eyes mist over in joy. Empowered in the Spirit, we raise our heads in serenity and go forward in peace.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,     Have we explored meaning and purpose and plunged into the depths of discovery?  Have we examined the possibilities of the moment and leaped at the opportunities presented?  Have we plumbed our own potential and followed that vision to the pinnacle? Or have we existed in the status quo and slipped into the cracks of oblivion?   Whatever and whoever we are, O God, of life,  may we live in gratitude and awe as you create in us the best of who we can be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Creator Holy Lord,       We have traveled far. We started the journey at the first explosion of our universe groaning and have been racing through the cosmos for billions of years.  We are formed of stardust and Holy breath.  Our heart beats with your wisdom and your desire to  fill the darkness with light.  We have rested on the soil of earth and we have danced the moonbeams into the new day. We have been filled with the waters of creations thirsting and feasted on the minerals of the sky. Our cells sing with angel voices and our blood leaps with rivers of atoms flowing from trees and exploding stars.  We are one with all that is. We are one with you. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tueday

Dear God,       Thank you for simple things, small things, the little joys of waking.  For the cats presence and purr, for water that is pure, clean, plentiful and hot, for the luxury of electronics,  and hot food, for the ability to stand and move, talk and think, to learn and to be.  The list is endless God, but we are grateful.  We take nothing for granted but we pray to be aware and awake to our life and unceasing in prayer. In gratitude we be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear  God,  Sometimes there is a longing in our souls that we can't quite describe:       like an unknown glow on the horizon it beckons us...  the fulfillment of our deepest longing,        our kindred soulmate,        the light of stars expanding,       creation breathing a new universe of wonder and mystery--  calling us and we coast forward, breathless.   Maybe, like Jesus, we walk out of the tomb of darkness into the garden of new life.   Fresh breath of the Holy Spirit fills our mouth. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,     In love let us be filled this day.  Let us be lifted up and floated on the breath of dawn that rises in loving harmony with all of creation.  May our hearts be loving and our actions be of love that is of peace, justice, kindness and compassion. Loving you, O God, and our neighbor as our self, certainly seems like a good template for humanity.  May it be so in our lives and in the hearts of humanity, we pray.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,     Thank you for the Saints of our life who have provided living water so that our thirst might be quenched. Thank you for those Saints who have shown us the way down the mountain and into the valley and have gracefully flowed towards the distant sea.  Might we also provide living water for others out of the deep well of our spiritual  ancestors so that thirst might be quenched, bodies nourished, souls nurtured and spirits lifted.  We remember and do not forget. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Holy Lord,      Sometimes when we are tired and weary and our minds are bogged down in the fog and our spirits are sagging we need a flash of your Spirit and a splash of revival.  Take our burdened muscles and our minds of mud and ignite them with a spark of energy and vibrant renewal. Lift us, O God, out of the pit and mire and into the rhythm of your unfailing love and eternal vision. In you, we cannot fail, we will do. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,       We have begun our journey of Lent, the movement towards Holy Week, the cross and Easter morning. May we enter into a time of personal reflection and contemplation.  May we be involved in a national time of contemplation and prayer. May we look into the mirror of your justice and see truth for ourselves and the world. When we look into the eyes of Jesus, will we weep or rejoice? AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,     Give us a vision of lofty heights, where the sun is brilliant and the heavens explode into the vastness of your mind.  Give us a dream of enlightenment where we strive for completion, wholeness and a sublime serene spirit.  May our goal be this transformation of our soul that longs for tranquility and creative expression.  May our imaginations not falter and our hopes be so low that we fail to rise like eagles and blend into your love.  Like Jesus, let us be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,     Sometimes our nerves are tattered and torn like prayer flags in the mountain.  Our muscles are starved for fresh breath from climbing over rocks and crevasses to tend the flags and keep our prayers intact.  We watch the eagle soar without effort, lifted high on the thermals of the spirit and we long to be set free.  Sit us down Lord, and quietly fill our mind with soothing music and float us on your breath flowing from the source of eternity... Relaxed, we are free, watching the flags flutter, alive and vibrant in the Spirit of forever. AMEN                                                                                                         Photo Credits: Google Images

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, Awaken sun. Wash the dark away.   Welcome wind. Brush the sky clean. Morning God. Freshen our hearts. Summon us Jesus. Cleanse our spirits. Awake, alive, aware, we embrace the day. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,     What sorrows do we face, those long solemn notes that resonate from inside the earth and fill our mind. We are taken into the deep, the abyss of our soul and find the roots of our spirit growing in the bowels of mindlessness.  But our spirits do not despair. The living waters of your grace flow freely there and we are nourished in those waters and nurtured in the good soil of compassion. Help us to breathe deeply in the profound wonder of this eternity and find the spot of peace, the perch of infinity. In praise, let us be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,     Did we hear you giggle this morning as the sun rose, delighted at the energy lighting the land. Did you laugh when you saw our faces as we awoke, groaning and moaning or were we bright eyed and bushy tailed. Were you thrilled with the gift of this day and the opportunities that you have given us, and hopeful that we would jump at the chance to live fully.  Did you smile at the wonder of love and suggest to us, gently, that it covers the earth like light.  I wonder, if today, like you, we can giggle, laugh, be thrilled, smile and love--just like you. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,      Walk us through the changes of the landscape.  Hold our hand because sometimes the way is slippery and swirling with unknown dangers and risks imagined. Sometimes we are overwhelmed and our fears need calming and our mind needs expanding. Show us the light shining from your vision and the meadow of gentle breezes, and butterfly's dancing in the flowers. We know that you will help us with our burdens and together, we can face the future in confidence. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Holy Jesus,      Your prayer gives us strength and hope.  We live in the realities of bread, temptation and forgiveness--between the vision of heaven and the ethics of earth. We pray to be less self-absorbed and more absorbed by the truth, beauty and harmony of the world around us. Sustain us with your vision of us, your hopes for us and your dreams for our potential. May we stand on the mountain top of your grace and be worthy of your love.  In silent joy we gather in your name. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Holy God,        Listen, you say. Hear the silence breathing. Be attentive to the lack of noise and struck silent before the hum of creation expanding. Inhale the essence of the Holy Spirit and be filled with awe. Be still, hands of justice and heart of mercy.  Be still and find wisdom in the path before you.  Exhale the fragrance of your Spirit in love and spread joy like flower petals on the bridal path.  It is good. It is the true beauty of grace that embraces you. Be still. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,      Who are we, this vibrant mass of humanity, that you take notice of us?  We are confused, contrary, conflicted, arrogant and greedy.  But yet, we are also compassionate, kind, caring, loving humble and giving. Such a strange mix of stew.  It is clear that your vision of us is to climb the  mountain and reach for the stars of loving and  shining light for and with one another. Show us the way. Let us climb the mountain of transformation with Jesus and share the cup of compassion with one another. Filled with the Holy Spirit let us blaze afresh. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, May we sit quietly in the palm of your hand and be emptied of distress and dis-ease. In your mercy, center us in wisdom and fill us with joy. Set us on the pathways of justice and kindness and fill us with love. May the Holy Spirit lead us and strengthen us as we face trials. In gentle grace may we be. AMEN