
Showing posts from April, 2016

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,       In the hollow of your hand, you hold us, safe and secure.  With your other hand, you protect us from eternal harm.  We see ourselves lovingly held and breathe a long breath of contentment.  In spite of storm and chaos, darkness and blight, we will live in you and we will be one with you. May we be peaceful in this knowing and without fear in this doing. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Holy God,       Stopping. Listening. Very still is myself.           May our prayer be reflective, meditative, contemplative.           Lord, we are not good at stopping. Help us to be  still.       May we be emptied so we might  be filled.       May we be centered in the silence.       May we be aware, awake and alive in the being.       In the middle of the moment of you, may we be.       AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,      Ancient wisdom says to love one another as you would have them love you.  May we be gentle souls who love and like, who accept and work at understanding and bring peace and harmony into the world.  May we do our best to follow your example of compassion and caring amongst all people.  Be in us, our Holy Spirit guide as you promised to your followers. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,     Some of us woke up this morning in a clean, comfortable bed.  Some of us had electricity at our fingertips. Some of us had choices for breakfast and hot coffee.  Some of us had warm, clean, plentiful, water in the shower.  Some of us had a leisurely, normal, routine.  Some of us had loved ones and friends around to touch, talk and text.  Some of us offered thanks, praise, prayer and lived in gratitude.      Some of us didn't. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,      Prepare me to be a sanctuary of  love and kindness.  Cleanse me and empty me of deceit,  ego, and selfish understanding.  Fill me with compassion and concerns of justice and righteousness. Make of me a vessel of your living grace and a vessel of your Kingdom of peace. In the image of the Cosmic Christ let me be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,      Quietly, slowly, the space around our breath fills with light. Open your eyes, the light whispers, see the opportunity for justice and the possibility of righteousness. Be still. Hold your heart beat at one and rush into the Holy Spirit of newness at two. We bow our heads and enter into your presence, O God.  You are Holy and we long to be one with you. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,    If we were soaring bird, floating on the thermals of your Spirit, we would see and know an earth of immense beauty and peace.  We would graceful be, and elegant feel. In oneness and harmony would we love life and allow pettiness to slip behind us in the wash of forgiveness.  But we are humans and so we must slowly plod and learn. Grace us with your currents of Holiness, O God, so we might in your wisdom and vision be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,     Thank you for community of family, friends and faith that can help us through the difficult times in life. When the maze is too difficult and the tasks loom large, we need a hand to hold and to guide; we are grateful for these hands that support, comfort and lead us when we are weak or tired. We are thankful for your presence, O God, and for your constant attendance to our needs.  For your unconditional love, we give thanks. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,      We pray for those who are powerless and vulnerable, that they might find safety and security.  We pray for those whose spirit is weak and sad, that they might find strength.  We pray for those who are ill that they might find wellness.  Might we all find wholeness and peace in your grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Holy God,     Is the dawning of day the beginning of life, renewed and fresh every morning; or do we redo the same music and dance the strobe lights of the past? Do we dare a new dance step as we open the door to the light? Shall we whisper in the hush of dawn to the angels and muses of our hopes and dreams; put pen to paper, brush to canvas and heart to love?  Have we seen the possibility of the garden and the emptiness of the tomb. Do we dare?  AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,     The window through the trees reveals hills crowned with golden light, shows the sky dancing with angel clouds and opens our vision to the horizon of hope.  What glory and majesty have you given us this day, that we mortals must surely sigh and exclaim in awe at our smallness in the universe. How tiny we are, like a small flower in the meadow or a lone bird in the sky. How simple it seems, this beauty that carries us out of ourselves and into the infinite wonder and mystery of God. How simple is the smile of love. AMEN

Morningprayer Friday

Hi...Sorry I missed several days.  When that happens, please feel free to randomly select an old Morningprayer.  It might just be exactly what you needed at that moment., Thanks, Keith Dear God,      How good it is to settle into a comfort space and breathe a Holy Spirit filled breath.  How good it is to turn to you in prayer and fill ourselves full of life-sustaining spirit. Ahhh-- we inhaled the scent of a Dogwood blossom and fresh cut grass and smelled your holiness pouring forth. Fill us full of this newness and grace us with the aroma of wisdom. AMEN

MornningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,     There is a gentleness in the seeds of the soil as they start a new life. So timidly they enter a strange, sometimes harsh earth of wind, rain heat and cold. So bravely they thrust fragile growth into  life and start again. How can this be, we ask, this trust in our world?  Only in faith and through the love of the Spirit. Only in the whispers of a God of grace and mercy can this be. Only in the Jesus of new beginnings. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Holy Lord,      There are times when we are conflicted in our joys and sorrows.  Times when our cheeks overflow with laughter and tears. Times when we wonder about the Spirit and where it is leading us. And yet, when we empty ourselves of ourself and open up to the Spirit of Holiness we find you there, whispering, nudging and filling our hearts and minds. May we, in our tears and our laughter find you, filling us full and providing nurture and grace in abundance.  In Jesus, we pray, AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,    May we worship this day in the sanctuary of your love.  May our souls be moved in your presence and our spirits be uplifted by your grace. In the silence and serenity of the sanctuary  may we be very still and discern your will. In the warmth of the community may we  shed the cold and know the oneness of faith as the ground of our being.  In prayer, may we move, breathe and act. In Jesus, may we be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,      May we smile in the awareness of Spirit Angels filling the sun struck sky. May we laugh at the  vapor trails crossing our heavens in reminders of love. May we rejoice in the tender green shoot breaking the stones apart. May we reach out and touch you, Lord, knowing you have already captured our souls. Soar spirit, soar in faith. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,     Help us to let go of the burdens of the past and the anxieties of the future. Free us of tensions and clutter so we might live in the wisdom of the present, informed by the past and prepared for the future.  Just as Jesus went to the mountaintop and found a lonely place to pray, may we find our place of prayer in the spaces of our life. Gently unburdened...AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

God Whispers--      Stop!  See, hear, taste, smell, touch the earth and sky. I have prepared beauty in abundance for your pleasure.  I have offered you variety and diversity beyond counting and more plentiful than your dreams.  I have saturated your cells with infinite possibilities and  shown you mystery and magic. In the wonder of a small child open yourself to the harmony of my love and immerse yourself in the eternity of my grace.  Walk in beauty. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,      It might be a normal every day, status-quo, mundane kind of Tuesday; whatever that is.  Or, it might not be. In the normal every day, miracles are expected and maybe even the norm. We should stay aware and awake.  Or maybe the unexpected will happen and take us by surprise. We pray we won't be dismayed or in pain but gladdened and joyful. However the day unfolds, may we proceed by faith and in prayer. Like Jesus, let us be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Lord Most Holy,     There is wisdom in calling on you when we are entering into turbulence, for you calm the winds and pacify our fears.  There is wisdom in calling on you when all is serene and gentle, for in thanks we breathe and in praise we move. There is wisdom in moving beyond our knowing into the deeper relationship with you, where the springs of all life bubble and flow from your divine side. In the grace of your wisdom let us be. Let us be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,     The winds of morning have washed the stars away.  If the winds were your breath, we would be saturated in your Holy Spirit and alive in your cleansing, healing power. We pray for the healing and the cleansing. We pray for your presence that brings peace and enrichment. We pray to know your grace in the winds of morning and the stillness of night.  Fill our minds full to overflowing, flushing away debris so might sparkle and shine in your love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Lord,    Silence!  The sound of nothing being everything.  The sound before the last gasp on the cross and the sound before the stone grates against the earth. The sound before first light and the sound between heart beats. Silence! The sound of our spirit speaking to our soul and the sound of God whispering in our heart. If we live in the deep profound silence of your being, God, then no chaos is too noisy for us and there are no sounds to fear. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,    Relax us.  Place us in the stream in the meadow and flow through the sinews of our bodies until they melt and hum.  Bring our minds to stillness in the swaying grasses and the whir of sunlight dancing in the air.  Attend to us like a mother hen, collecting us in the safety of your wings.  In you we have our very breath and our beings belong to you. In you, we are nurtured and nourished and we grow. In you we are. AMEN