
Showing posts from June, 2016

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,      Is there a time to put on mute and send to voice mail all the desperation of the world; the aching, turning, frothing of humanity in our attempt to figure out life and process the oxygen in our brains and the food in our bodies. No wonder we like flowers, dogs, and sunsets, for it is here that we rewire our spirit and fine tune our minds. In faith, we turn to you, O God, and find our true-self ignited in love and grace. AMEN Note to followers of MorningPrayer; I will be away for a month and will not be able to write the prayer daily. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, Keith.

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,      You are our delight and pleasure in our joy.  You are our salvation and our strength in our times of need.  Through our misgivings and our failings, you are our forgiving heart and our redeeming spirit.  In you, God, we trust. You are our foundation and our hope. In Jesus, we find our way. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Wake up old soul! Wake up new spirit! There are hummingbirds to watch, crows to hear and crops to see. Come to life! There is a moment to work and a moment to sit still. Be quiet and listen, you won't be disappointed. Be still and watch, you will be amazed. For life is evolving all around you-- as are you in change, as well. Hear me murmur and hear my whisper. Hear me roar. Enter into mystery and awe. For such is the universe that I have friended you, forever. Thus says the LORD. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Creator God,    In making the stew of our life, grant us please: a gallon of the Spirit, and make it Holy. a cup of goodness a cup of tenderness a cup of compassion a cup of toughness a large pinch of wonder a couple of tablespoons of mystery however much imagination you think we need a spoonful of discipline a pinch of desire a goodly measure of common sense a dose of patience a measure of responsibility a bunch of commitment and...mmm... we are sure we are forgetting something, but you will know. Stir it all up in the pot of wholeness and wellness  and stir it with the spoon of infinite love and that should do it. Thank you God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,      The prism catches the sun's rays, casting colors in careless abandon across the room, like birds flinging notes into the sky and like humans wandering the garden, smelling roses, checking plants. Is it a new beginning, this day; a day of opportunity for the sweet aroma of reds and yellows, violets and greens to sing their song? What gift can we bring as we awaken? What blessing might we be to a world of beauty and yet a world of need? Bless us God, we pray, with a gift. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,      Awaken us from our sleep into the dawning of new awareness. Show us your reflection in the mirror of our morning face and of our afternoon quickening. May we not settle for the trappings of lowliness but rather grasp and hold this wonder of wonders; this miracle of being and the hope of the evening light. Yoy have set before us the Christ of Cosmic splendor. Might we be like the moon reflecting. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,       In this art form,  we call life, might we find room to excel in one of the avenues of creativity.  May our imagination jump at the opportunity as we explore an infinity of possibilities. May God the poetic artist of the unknown and God the mathematician of the orderly grant us the mystery of mind and the wonder of spirit to create beauty, truth, and harmony. AMEN


Dear God, My Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Hear our prayer. Let us be emptied. Let us be centered. Let us be filled in your love And in your Spirit. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,      Sometimes we are tired of body and sometimes weary of soul. Sometimes our spirit flags and fails and we feel we can not continue any longer. It is then that we close our eyes and enter into silent communion with you. You are our hope and source of life. In you we trust and find life. Be with us, O God. Cleanse us, heal us. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,      We awaken to the tragedy of another shooting, this time in a nightclub in Orlando. We don't know the motivation but we do understand pain, fear, hatred and ugly words that incite the worst in our souls.  How small our prayers seem when we say, "We pray for the victims and their families."  How petty is our hatred, God. How large our need for repentance. We pray today, that there be an end to our ignorance, bias, mistrust, hatred and lack of acceptance of people who are "other" than us. How arrogant is humanity in its racism, bigotry and judgements. We ask for forgiveness, O God, because we have sinned and sinned grievously against you and all your people.  Help us to find a new way of  being. Let us pray that we might gently and rationally be people of peace and compassion. May Jesus hold us by the hand and lead us forward. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Creator God,       Paintbrush in hand and Holy breath enabling you surely outdid yourself this morning; the  skies burned blue and the trees shouted green Alleluias. Butterflies raced across the lawn chased by birds breaking crystal and shattering diamonds with Amen's and  a cherubs whisper. Truly, infinity proclaimed itself in this eternity of impossible moments and our blood boiled until we were molten heart, compassionate and weeping. To you, O God, we give thanks and praise. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,      Help us in the wellness and wholeness of our lives.  May we be healthy in body, spirit and mind. Help us find the avenue to completeness, each in our own way yet part of the larger community of values and faith.  May the Holy Spirit continue to educate us and bring us to greater knowledge, awareness and comprehension. May we walk the way of Jesus in harmony and  beauty. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,      The early morning light has scattered clouds and crow calls like dandelions thistle in the wind.  In the hush of new found sight our heart beats its ancient rhythm and like chlorophyll, our blood flows to our limbs and helps us to bloom and grow.  May we bear fruits of the Spirit, this day. May we be abundance of mercy and kindness so others might feast . May we be vessels of paradise and the Kingdom of your presence. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Holy God,    Let us sing to the Lord  a New song and an Old song.  Songs of Memory and songs of Spirit. Songs of Joy and songs of Wonder.  Let  us open up our hearts and minds and sing from the depths of our Soul. May we be immersed in the Angel verses of Creations humming and of God's Mysterious presence. May the Spirit sing through us and may we all be glorified in the Lord. AMEN

Mornngprayer Saturday

Holy Creator God,      In this day of possibility  may we be immersed in wonder.  May we see  opportunities for goodness, kindness and empathy.  May we see magic flitting and mystery flowing. May we see your touch, your healing love and your saving grace. We know these things are hard, that they take intentionality and determination, so let us be filled with the awe of life so that your desire for us is fulfilled. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,       Remind us to pause and be still; to be quiet in the flurry and fluster of the day.  Help us to pull back from the chaos, the demands and hectivity and breathe silently and allow our mind to flow into the gentle clouds floating by. May we in serenity and tranquility be, this day. AMEN