
Showing posts from September, 2016

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,      On days of energy, excitement and confusion` we seek the  warmth of the sun, the soft singing of the morning breeze and the whisper of the angels floating by.  Help us to interact with enthusiasm and consideration in the events of the day and the murmurs of the Spirit.  In your presence God, may we walk with beauty, speak in truth and live in harmony. In Jesus who was your presence, we pray, AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Holy Spirit,     Come! What mystery and revelation have you prepared for us today?  What teaching  is before us and what knowledge are we to attain?  How shall we grow in wisdom and insight?  And if it be that we grow in kindness, love and grace, then we would be so grateful and filled with the song and dance of praise.  Into your Spirit we  commit ourselves, floating in your being and presence. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,      Let us be filled with the wisdom of gentle harmony and discernment.  May our minds be free of clutter and the pathway of our feet be touched with beauty and grace.  If there be tangled webs that threaten to ensnare us, may we stop in the knowledge that you, our God, will help us and move us gracefully through the snares. For we desire to walk in the spiritual footsteps of the Cosmic Christ, AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,     This Sabbath day,     Connect us to holiness.     Saturate us in the Holy Spirit.     Immerse us in your love.     Fill us with grace.     Be still in us, so we might be still in others. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,     Allow me, sometime today to drift into the silence of knowing myself and being with you.  Instead of moving and blowing in the wind, may I be still as  a blooming flower in the morning hush.  Quiet our souls, O God. From stress and anxiety relieve us in the serenity of your infinite love.  Alive in the wisdom of knowing in the power of the Holy Spirit may we quietly centered be in your grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,      Morning comes silently, drifting in on canceled stars and fingered mist.  Whispers of passing cars and ancient trains slip into our conscious thoughts, mingling with tossing dreams and  cat murmurs. We awake to a new dawn. Safely through the night we have wandered and now with us, be our guide and guard. Spirit of wisdom and loving action, may we be in your grace as we traverse the day of future sight and  sound. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,      Hear our prayer, please.      As many of us sit in the midst of comfort with options for living, many of the planets people run for their lives, are homeless without jobs, comforts or options for sustaining themselves and loved ones.  We pray that they find strength for their journey and that the world will support, care for and aid these travelers. What would Jesus do, we ask, when faced with need and will we  be like him? AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,    The hours of the day move on whether we are stuck in the mud or flying like a kite.  Time has no master and space is unfathomable. From dawn to dusk, we travel our course.  How goes our journey, this drama of suspense? What do we witness as our passion and what words do we leave spilling behind?  Have we a request, a prayer? Perhaps, to be faithful, to hurt no one and cherish the planet. To walk in humility, in beauty and boldly with God. Perhaps, like Jesus, be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear Lord,     Prepare for us the pool of healing.  Ignite the water with your compassion and stir it in love.  Help us to bathe in the spirit  and be cleansed in grace. Lead us forth by the hand and show us the road of salvation, the highway of your kingdom and your continued presence. May it be, that from us will flow rivers of living water and we might be loving caretakers of your spirit. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,      Let us breathe deeply of the air surrounding us, filling our lungs and blood cells full of life.      Let us exhale the old and begin again, fresh and alert to new possibilities.      Between breaths, in the middle of the heartbeat let us pause time and reflect on love.      Light itself slows to a halt and our mind becomes one with your thought, O God, We are captured and held in the palm of your hand, forever. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,      Consider the night sky, the billions of stars,  galaxies and time reaching into infinity.  Consider the sands of the seashore and the rocks of the mountains, no counting can reach the limit of these resources. Consider the inner spaces of our mind, the chambers of imagination and thoughts without end.  And then, consider your love and your grace, greater by far than all we know, compassion and forgiveness, hope and belief the hallmarks of your presence. In humility, we kneel in awe and wonder. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,     If overwhelmed by the rising waters of life, then we need to float in faith, not run in fear or fight in panic. We need to walk quietly, sit in stillness, meditate in serenity and pray without ceasing to find our center and true self.  We will trust in you, our Lord and God to keep us sane and keep us afloat. Hold our heart, our hand our soul in yours. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Lord Almighty,      Sometimes weariness is like a gray cloud coating the land in moisture and heaviness. We struggle to shake off the oppression and long for the sunlight to break in, warming us gently and clearing our vision.  You caution us to, Be Still, Be prayerful, Be full of me, and we rest quietly in your spirit and your vision.  Slowly, our fingers begin to tingle, our senses come alive and deep inside the gaps of our faith, you fill us full of new beginnings and hope.  Thank you, Lord. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,      When we observe the struggles of humanity and our inhumanity and stupidity, we sometimes hang our heads in shame.  We are a sorry species. Why are you even mindful of us?  And then, we observe extreme acts of kindness and compassion, acts of bravery and heroism, acts of art and beauty, actions filled with love and supported by grace and we are thrilled with who we are and our potential.  So we pray, fervently and humbly because it feels like we need help right now...we pray for your help to bring out the best in us of tolerance, acceptance, understanding, forgiveneness and kindness. Show us the pathway of your Spirit and take away our mean spirits, AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

As we remember 911, we reaffirm prayerfully who we are... Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer,      From your Heart, we have come, born into existence from the chaos of time and space. Our atoms joining in unique patterns to form us as we are, brothers and sisters with the stars, planets and dark matter of space.      From your Soul we have come forth, healed and redeemed, claiming life as a privilege and treasure in compassion and gratitude.     From your Spirit we have drawn new breath, filling ourselves full of light, breath and heart.     In love and grace, we raise our hands to the dawn and fall to our knees. We breathe a prayer of  thanks, appreciation and wonder. AMEN.

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,      We imagine Jesus on a hillside overlooking the Sea of Galilee.  It is early morning and the mist lies heavy on the grasses, the lake shrouded in fog.  As the sun whispers its morning anthem, he whispers his morning prayer. A song of praise and gratitude to his God.  A petition of help and wonder for the day ahead. A prayer of compassion and justice for all humanity.  In the beauty and harmony of the prayers of Jesus, we offer ourselves this day, the day of the Lord. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,      We are lifted from our cocoons of night into the mist of day by coffee smelling, traffic humming, cats purring, dogs barking. Are we prepared to leave our nest and face the confusions and chaos of our world?  What goodness, evil, ordeals temptations, joys will we face today? Are we ready?  In humble confidence of spirit and living constant prayer we glide forth, believing in faith that you are with us, O God. We place our hand in yours and close our eyes, relying on your vision to lead and guide us through the maze. AMEN

MorningPrrayer Wednesday

Dear God,      As we move through our life, we are often blessed with friends that support us and challenge us.  What a blessing it is to have friendship that makes our days brighter, inspires our souls to greater heights and lifts our spirits. We pray to also be good friends, to care and share in the joys and misfortunes of those who count on us. We hope to share the goodness of life and the grace abundant. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,      Under the starred canopy we slept in trust, angel wings sparkling with diamond lights to protect us and bring us safe into the morning.  This dawn, so familiar but yet so brand new will take us by the hand and lead us forward.  We cannot go back. In faith, we follow you along the Jerusalem road, the hem of your garment within reach, living waters pouring from your side to nourish and nurture us on our journey. Your love is abundant, your grace sufficient. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, Hear our prayer for wholesome living:       may we be aware of our blessings and be grateful.       may we see clearly the needs of others and find ways to be of assistance.       may we be healthy  in our lifestyle, striving for soulisitc  health.       may we be prayerful in all things giving thanks in all circumstances.       may we find times of silence where we sit in serenity in our quiet God center.       may we find times of rejoicing and laughter.       may we love deeply and find ways to be loveable in return. Like Jesus may we be. AMEN      

MorningPrayer Sunday

Holy Lord,       May we commune today in the shadow of your spirit,  both your compassionate love that floated across the landscape and the cross that cast a shadow across the earth. May we be changed into people of deeper understanding as the shadow crosses our face and touches our heart.  My we find a quiet space, a sanctuary of silence to affirm this mystery and the grace that is the touchstone of our life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,       Keep us safe as we leap, plod, twist and travel, recline and reflect our way through this day. It seems bold to ask, but extend care and protection to our loved ones, we pray. Show us mercy and compassion for our failings and help us to humbly celebrate our successes. Through us, might the world be better, safer, kinder and gentler. In Jesus name and way we pray. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Holy God,  May our Spirit come alive in this day as our senses feed our soul.  May we     see brilliance     hear elegance     smell overtures     taste wind     touch rain.  Immerse us, O God, in your being  Enfold us in your garment  Embrace us in grace.  Free us in love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,      We become lost in a reality that we think we see, hear and know and forget the unseen power of the Holy Spirit.  Help us to reconnect with this power of mystery and spirit.  Help us to find communion in your presence that teaches and leads us to wisdom through truth, beauty and harmony of self and others. May we walk in the Holy Spirit and find joy in your song, "Be thou my vision,"AMEN