
Showing posts from 2017

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,     Sometimes we are caught in conflict which might not even be of our own making.  The fabric of our day is split and torn apart and our peace tumbles out and is sprayed with stress and fears. Sometimes we tumble across the fabric, unsure, insecure and in pain.     Help us, O God. Restore our peace even in the midst of the tearing.  Hold us gently in the palm of your hand and repair the fabric.  Bring a resolution to the trembling around us so that serenity might return and we might live in the wholeness and wellness of your grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear Prayer,     An old prayer mantra for your contemplation, reflection, and prayer.     It feels like we need to slow down and center our individual and collective souls.     Read it slowly, pausing after each line for as long as feels right. Psalm 46:10 Be Be still Be still and know Be still and know that I Be still and know that I Am Be still and know that I AM God Let my prayer be me, O God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,      What is humanity that you are mindful of us?   This great tangled web of art and science,  joy and sorrow.  What burdens must we sustain to truly reflect your image and be worthy of your love?  There are so many times when we have lost our way and have floundered in the swamps of hatred, greed, bitterness, and despair. And yet, you sent us guides, you sent us the Christ to lead us and show us the way of goodness, mercy and steadfast love.  May we be ever so humble that, as small as we are, drops of water that fill the ocean, leaves that dress the tree that we might make a difference and bring harmony to our earth and beauty to your name. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,      The fog of morning washes us, cleansing of us of sin and shame. Purified, we are embraced by the sun and stand shadowed in the light of day. Hold us and wrap us in your cloak of loving compassion and your scarf of grace. We belong to you, O God, throughout an eternity of mornings and in this new light we will live and die. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,     Just as Jesus opened his heart and soul to peoples of all types and kinds, so might we follow his example and be open, caring and kind.  It is not a question of tolerance, it is not being intolerant and judgemental because we know we are no better than anyone else.  May wisdom prevail and may the spirit of holiness show us the way to truth, oneness, and peace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,     When the leaders of Nations shout, scream and bluster to antagonize and humiliate we pray that sane minds will prevail.  When bully's posture and strut in street brawls that could involve the world we pray for a more humble and sane minds set.  Be with the world leaders, O God, and keep us all on a safe path that leads to an end of violent words and reckless actions. In Jesus the Prince Peace, we pray.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,      Sometimes new beginnings are not starting over, but a continuation of the flow already established.  But like all mountain streams, the course is through new terrain and will find a different way of moving.  May we pay attention to the water and the spirit of our moving.  May we, in your grace, be nourished and nurtured with the waters of loving compassion and the sunlight of the joyful Spirit. Fill us and breathe in us Holy Spirit.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,       Just as Jesus went to the mountain to be still and pray, so might we find places and moments of stillness. May we feel the gentle breeze across our face, hear the flickering rustle of bird song and see the murmur of grass, tree and wave.  And then in silence may we hear your whisper of love and feel your embrace of Grace. Thank you God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,      In the reflection of your steadfast compassion we feel protected and cared for in our time of need. We place ourselves in your hands, trusting in the eternal promise of infinite Grace as offered by the Christ. May we let go of our pride and gently rest in the bosom of your love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,      In beauty let us live and walk.  May we talk in harmony and breathe in peace. In your graceful presence might we relate to other people and to our Earth.  May the Christ be our constant companion and show us the way of compassion, forgiveness and healing in our Spirit filled life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,      In the middle of anxiety, stress or fears help us to pause and breathe the garden breath of your calming Spirit. Cleanse us and then fill us full of Last Supper peace.    Breathe on us the breath of God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,       Who are we?       Followers of Christ?       Leaders of the lost?       Followers of Jesus?       Leaders of compassion?       Listening vessels of you?       Whisperers of your truth?       Inhalers of the Holy Spirit?       Exhalers of spiritual love? In humility and grace, Yes.... We are these things. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Holy Lord,     On this sabbath may we be surrounded by your majesty and beauty.  Fill our souls with joy, our hearts with peace and our mouths with mirth. May we proclaim awe and wonder as we bow our heads, overwhelmed and humbled by creation. May we, even though we be like specks of sand in the universe, be people who bring kindness and love to all. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,       If we are weary in the humid air of confusion or when cicadas munch at our nerve endings, may you refresh our brow with the cooling cloth of compassion and sooth our soul in the promise of eternal love.  May the hem of Jesus cloak fill our grasping fingertips and that rough cloth be our assurance of Grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,      The threads of our lives are vast and colorful, creating weavings and textures that are sometimes  simple but often, thoughts, people and random circumstances come together in a never ending design. In this tangled web we might get lost without your guiding hand and loving touch. Simplify the weaving of our lives so we might live in awe and praise as our daily thread. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God.     Under the wings of your love, we are nourished, nurtured and protected. In your abiding presence, we shall dwell, forever and ever. We shall not fear and not be anxious because you are with us, you love us and in your grace, we shall know peace.  We give you thanks and praise, our Lord, and God, AMEN Common Loon sitting on two eggs, Kahshe Lake, Green Island.

Prayer Explanation July 19th

Dear Reader,     I have been traveling and have had technical difficulties with the blog off the computer.  But will write, as now, when the computer is available and will continue to work on the technical aspects.     I pray you are well and that your prayer life is vibrant. ...keith

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,     Sunlight streaked across the sky igniting the tree tops in golden crowns.  The Spirit wind whispered our name, individually, and we stopped in our motion and felt the emotion of wonder, and awe. Inhaling deeply your breath pulsed in our blood stream and we caressed a rose and exhaled ugliness and stain. It is a day of new beginning and we are part of this eternal dance. May it be so in grace, truth and beauty. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,      Thank you for gifts of life and love that come in sudden, unexpected and mysterious ways.  Thank you for friends that shower us with blessings and family that provides a foundation of enduring and sustaining love. Thank you for the gentle harmonies of grace that embrace us and show the way of the angels.  We are blessed in your presence. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God.      It has been awhile since I last wrote you, forgive me, I guess the Spirit was quiet in my heart. I  know that sometimes happens and I was not concerned but I was patiently waiting.  It is good to be back in sync.  I am looking forward to the day with you by my side and in my heart. I will listen carefully to your whisper and walk with you in joy. Praise God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,     Some of us have empty spaces inside, caverns hollowed out by the volcanoes and earthquakes of time and event. Howling winds fill us and we are without peace.  In your mercy, fill our gaps, O Lord, with your gentle presence and healing touch.  May the angels fill our void with harmonies sweet and the Holy Spirit replace the ill winds of fate and memory. In trust, faith and love we pray in Jesus. AMEN

Morningprayer Tuesday

Dear God,       When the wind blows the early dawn trees, shaking the dew free, we are reminded of memories, randomly appearing and floating in our mind. Some fall on the earth to nourish the ground of our being and others pool among memories old and new, adding texture to our lives. We pray that your gentle sunshine will help us to absorb memories of pain and bring to greater nurture those of health and wellness. May your Spirit most Holy shake us with wisdom and grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,       Do you hear the cries of your people, those who suffer pain, anguish of heart and loss?  Remember them O God.  Jesus, wrap the cloak of your compassion about them and offer comfort and strength.  Offer them the cup of purest water that springs to eternal life and the breath of the Holy Spirit that sustains and nourishes. Remember your people, O God, and immerse them in living grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,     May our temples of worship be holy places of divine love. In your mercy might, we be still and experience awe.  We come before you with bowed head, our knees covered with soil and our hearts humbled. Forgive us our trespasses and may we be forgivers in gentle compassion. May we radiate your justice and be shining examples of your grace. In Jesus love and your kindness, we shall attempt this purity. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,      Crisp and clear, we long for clarity both seen and unseen.      Empty us of false vision and misdirection.      Create in us clean eyesight and hearts that are pure.      Fill us full of desire, direction and determination in your far-seeing will.      May our mind's eye be like the horizon of your grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,      Sometimes our life is a bubble, capturing our reflection but waiting to burst at any given moment. Surely, it is not as transitory as this.  Surely, you will hold us in the palm of your hand and we will live protected in your mercy and kindness.  Surely, in the fragility of the moment is the strength for an eternity. In the intentionality of that moment, we will strive for brilliance and the love that endures. In your grace, we will be perfected in the living of our lives. May your will be done. In Jesus, we pray, AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,     May we be good stewards of our earth, this breathing alive organism of vulnerable strength and power. She has nourished and nurtured us in the milk of intimacy and we are blessed.  May our eyes be opened to the wonders and mystery she presents.  May we pause and hear the music and smell of her aroma.  In the complexity of her being might we find the simplicity of your presence with us and acknowledge your grace and love.  In your mercy, in Christ's mercy, we live and breathe. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,     What wondrous day has floated in on the morning mist?  A day of possibility, perhaps,, slowly unveiling itself in the morning sun, vision being restored as if to a blind beggar. What potential are we realizing in ourself as we stretch the morning into opportunity?  New beginnings, perhaps, to discern in the clarity of the morning rising. Let us see ourselves hand in hand eye to eye shoulder to shoulder with your presence, O God, as we journey into this day. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Holy God,  Did you whisper my name, or was it just the rooster in the distance.  Did you touch my arm or was it just the butterfly on the wind  Did you put that thought of forgiveness in my mind or was it just the dream from last night.  Did you lay that prayer of mercy on my heart or was it just the breakfast I ate. Remember; Be still and know that I am God.  Yes, you are everywhere. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,     We give you thanks for your gifts to us, for life so precious and eternal unfailing grace.  We are awash in your love and in creation's wonder and glory. For Jesus who showed us the way of wholeness and wellness in justice and mercy, we are filled with gratitude,  For daily bread and water, for shelter and human companionship and for salvation of souls and spiritual splendor we give thanks. Let us pause, and be saturated in thanks. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,      Sabbath Day! May we be in silence and peace.                             May we know your renewing presence.                             May we be redeemed and restored                             May we be still in your infinite breath.                             May we know you in your eternal love.                             May we live ande love n your mercy and grace,      AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,      Wake us this morning to the sounds of angels, our minds full of celestial sounds of beauty and our hearts swelling in the mystery of love.  May our spirits soar on the golden melody as the harmony of grace bring us to tears of joy. Can it be that you love us so much that our very souls are held by you in the perfect hands of knowing?  In this blessing, we feel the eyes of Jesus upon us. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,     Consider, us, your people. Flawed and full of holes we might be, but still filled with compassion and the desire to do right, create justice and make a difference in the world.  Help us in our desire.  Do not let our flaws stand in our way.  So, in spite of us, bring us into the wholeness and wellness of goodness and harmony and love for all. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,     If we be so fortunate as to have beauty around us, may we also have beauty inside us. As the rain washes the sky and nourishes the earth, may we be cleansed and nurtured. As the bird soars in the heavens above, may the Holy Spirit soar in us. As the earth gives of its gifts of life and sustenance, so may our gifts be life-giving. In all things, may we be the image of you, our Lord and God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear Fellow Prayer,     I will be in Canada at Kahshe for the next week and will not be able to write our MorningPrayer,  I am sorry for this gap.  If, however, it is a meaningful morning exercise for you, I would suggest that you scroll back through the archives and perhaps, God will provide for you the exact prayer you need. Many Blessings, Keith Dear God,      We believe in your providence and your love.  Not only that, our life is made meaningful and significant because we live in the faith of your presence and your grace.  Lead us by the hand from starry nights into clear sky days.  Walk us on the pathway of justice and kindness and give us the vision of human needs and caring.      May we be informed in our faith by our mothers and fathers as we pray for the cries of mothers who can't care for their children because of their arrogance, ego and ignorance. We cry for the shame of the human race who is ...

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,     In the early morning mist, we see ourselves appearing like spiked trees and distant mountains. Unveiled we stand before you, our judge and redeemer. Our souls need purifying, O God, and our spirits need embracing. Clear away the fog in our minds and clarify our hearts in justice and mercy. Naked, and visible we stand in your garden, trusting in your love and grace. Forgivde us, Oh Lord and grant us eternal mercy. AMEN