
Showing posts from April, 2017

MorningPrayer Sunday

Holy One,      The sanctuary of holiness is larger than walls or our fledgling attempts to find you.  For you, O God, and your Kingdom of grace are larger than our imaginations and grander than the infinity of the heavens. Even in the tiny, the seeds and the soil from which life grows are we humbled.  May we dwell in the majesty of your temple today, the love from which we come and experience the awe of transcendence. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,      The steam swirls from the mug of coffee, caught in the early sun. The old dog stirs aching limbs and stretches.  The cat jumps onto the dresser with ease and begins the grooming ritual. The crowing of a rooster flows on a gentle breeze.  Songbirds dress the dawn in a variegated melody. The morning has begun.  There are no surprises or conflicts or problems yet, just an agenda of chores, projects, and thoughts. Whatever comes our way, we know you will be part of the process of unfolding. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Holy One,         The sounds of silence echo from the white fog, dull and disturbing.  We listen, we listen with head bent and brow furrowed--is that your voice, the gentle whisper of presence.  Are you addressing us and reminding us of who you are and how we are in your image?  Are you gently prodding our souls and waking our spirits into new life and renewal?  With what shall we come before you, O God...heads bowed, trembling in awe, in thanks and humility. Bound to the truth of your being, we pray to live. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,      We are a little confused.  How are we to continue in the goodness of our lives when so many others have little goodness?  Did we work harder, better, smarter... or were we just lucky where and how and who we were born?  Do we say, Oh well, that's life or do we sit in pride at our good fortune or hang our heads in despair?      Perhaps, you will show us the way of compassion, of steadfast love, of caring, sharing committed grace so we can use who and what we are to make a positive difference.  Help us, God, to be the hands and voice of Jesus in the world. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,      May our minds be as clear as the star-filled sky, without blemish and wrinkle.  May our conscience be pure as the blue heavens, looking to eternity.  If we fear our past deeds or our thoughts, may we turn to you, O God, and look deeply into your infinite love for the compassion of forgiveness. May we know the deep peace of loving grace that brings comfort to our spirits and peace to our souls.  Set us free, we cast ourselves into your hands for mercy. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,          How very fortunate some of us are.  We have lived in the bounty and luxury of goodness and plenty; water, food, shelter, family, friends, faith surround us.  We have the luxury of time and choice to observe the beauty of the world and pick and choose from its resources that of our desire.  How blessed are we.  We give you thanks, God and in gratitude hope to live our lives in recognition and praise.  In faith, that our souls are in your keeping, may we be in contentment and deep peace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,     Fallen leaves in the garden spring into life, providing rich nutrients for new growth.  May our fallen spirits arise from the soil of pain and sorrow to grow fresh in new understanding and vibrancy.  May we each blossom anew, giving back to our word hope replenished and joy restored.  In the chaos of life's abundance may we find the peace that glows with the fervor of your unexpected grace. AMEN    

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear Friends,     A note if I might.  It has been several weeks since I last posted a prayer.  We had been camping on Cape Hatteras and then rushed to Princeton Medical Center where my mother was admitted with an aortic dissection/aneurysm.  She was following her morning routine of swimming for 45 minutes when she had her aneurysm.  On April 12, she passed away, during Holy Week.    It was 90 years prior to this that she made arrangements for her baptism.  She was baptized by personal choice on Easter Sunday at the age of 8.  She said she never wavered from that decision where she claimed Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.  It seems fitting that she moved on during Holy Week.    The accompanying photo is of Gretchen on the point at Kahshe.  This small Island in Canada is a lasting legacy to her family from my mother and father.  Many of the pictures in this blog are from this magical plac...

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,     The paintbrush of glory has swept across the heavens, flowing colored inks soaking the canvas of the sky. Oh God, such wonder we witness and in our breath, we are drawn heavenwards with words of awe and gasps of delight. In beauty, we choose to remember the love we have received in our life and in our saturation we long to give back to an aching world the heart of the Spirit most Holy. Let us, co-creators be so that our world might know grace and live in the kindness of the eternal mystery. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,        We give thanks for our elders who have brought us into the world, nourished and nurtured us and brought us closer to your love.  We are who we are through their constant and steadfast love and your grace. In this universe of possibilities may we be lifted higher and higher by the Holy Spirit so that our potential might be more fully realized. We give thanks in gratitude and awe for all that is and claim the peace that passeth all understanding as our birthright. In Jesus, we pray, AMEN Thank you all for your patience.  I was away without computer access and now am with my mother and family as my mother who is 98 is under hospice care.