
Showing posts from April, 2018

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, I bow my head in humility. In prayer I bow my head. I am of the earth. You fulfill me in the Spirit Holy. I bow my head in silence. Serene whispers of the sacred flow around me. All is still. I believe. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God, If I a am  broken down and falling apart,  perch me on a cliff  where I can watch the world  and revel in the beauty. Surround me with your grace  which must be like mossy rocks,  stony cliffs cascading to heather strewn slopes,  inlets of salty water  and snow covered mountains. Allow, me Lord, to see the unity of earth and sky  and remind me that I am a part of all that I see, smell, taste, hear and touch. Saturate me in beauty.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God, When we wander to far away places...   and sometimes forget our true nature...  and then return-- welcome us back home.  Forgive us our sins and transgressions.  Out of your mercy  provide for us nourishment that will not just sustain but enrich us and make us better.  For we love this land and we love our home and we love you.   Welcomed with a kiss.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God, Open my eyes that I may see The day dawning and my life beginning. The starred sky awakens the earth-- It trembles and pulses in new light. Awaken my spirit to the beat of your heart To the opportunities And the potential in my mind and body. Fill me full of the rising tide of Grace And wash over me in the Love of your presence.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,  You shepherd me and prepare an archway of protection. I smell the good rich earth I taste of the snowy waters and I am nourished... just as you promised... For all you give For your generosity For blessings and abundance In the field of my life. I give you thanks and praise. I have all I need. I am satisfied. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God, Beneath what we can see and feel is the Spirit-Filled energy of your whirling presence. When we are drowsy, dreary and depressed  enliven our bodies and minds with energy and excitement.   Pick us up and give us purpose and power.   Center us in your life and love.  Save and Heal us in the Jesus of Joy.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God Slow Down! You go to fast. Stop Look Listen. The reflecting  pool of your salvation is waiting. The healing waters of grace is right next to you. Don't rush on by. You might miss it if you hurry  You will miss it if you don't care. God presents and offers the opportunity... ...but wait... Love is endless Beauty is eternal As unique as this offer is This not your last chance. Grace! AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,      Wide open spaces capture my heart and cause my very spirit to soar. The waters of birth and renewal  flow from the mountain of your enchantment and nourish my soul. I rise in the wind of your breath  and hear your heartbeat in the prairie unfolding. Wherever I go, you are there.  The harmony of land, earth sky and water embrace me.  There is fire in your love.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God, Here in this temple. Filled with gratitude Alive in the community Tasting of the Spirit Filled with Grace, We breathe and live in Love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,   Sometimes we are imprisoned in hammocks of our choosing. The walls of stone and the floors of brick encase us in a vault of deprivation. We swing in empty space, unsure of our foundation, not seeing you as our cornerstone and fortress in our need.    Free us, God,so that we can breathe the wind of your spirit and inhale the breath of your breath. Create in us a clean spirit and release us from our prison. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God, What holds us fast so we don't drift away. What moors us to the shifting sand in the face of tides that rise and fall? It is You, O God. Your Word of loving revelation. Your Spirit of divine inspiration. In a harbor of calm repose you have brought us together In community we are gathered In faith and trust we ride the forces of nature and time, AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,    I have walked the beach I have tasted the sea I have smelled the land I have felt the sand I have heard the ocean I have seen the horizon  I know your whisper in my soul I know your spirit speaks to mine I put my trust in you I ride the winds of faith I am a child I am life I am the future. AMEN

MotherPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,    The wail of the loon  flows across the lake, "I am watching my young, beware, beware." We are all loons, watching over and caring for our young. We have such hopes and aspirations, whether we be a mother  in Syria, the  Sudan, Israel, North Korea or North Carolina... We cry out, we wail, we hope,  we call for our children to be safe,  to come home, come home... Just like you, God,  a mother hen watching over her chicks,  a great eagle protecting the young in her nest and teaching us to fly.  Just like you.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,   Sometimes we join the multitudes and walk the avenues and  stones  of history. Every time we open the Bible and read the stories,  or revisit the lands Jesus walked we share history with the multitudes.  Every time we walk on ancient castle walls we share that history with the present throng  and with the clambering feet of our ancestors. There is no time line with you, is there God? No dividing wall between us and them and us and you. There is only the reality of your love and the endless tick tock of your grace.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, The crevasses and gaps in life are dangerous and dynamic. Do I dare? Do I dare to take the plunge, explore the depths, risk the rushing tide? Do I dare climb the slippery mountain and peek over the summit? Do I dare inhale the possibilities, awaken my potential, and risk holiness. O God, hold my hand, stir my spirit, make me bold to be an adventurer for you.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God, Fresh light cascading, The vault of heaven opened. Awaken holy. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God, I survey my world... What do I see. What do I accept, understand, know. How does this world of my shadow impact me How do I imprint the world. Can we exist in harmony Can we coexist in peace Can we live in beauty and truth. I survey the world and experience the joys and sorrows. In trust and forgivenenss In wonder and hope we circle  We experience and we live. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God, I have stood in the midst of the thicket and peered closely at the intertwining stories it tells. I have stood afar off and watched the horizon explode and the world evolve. I have been involved in the processes of humanities unfolding  and I have watched from a distance.   I have tried to be like you,  to be immersed in loving mercy-- and to watch and not interfere.  Unlike you, God, my efforts have been less than perfect.   Bring me to wholeness and completeness in my efforts.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God, Over time, I will be tumbled and floated. I will  be rolled and polished. My rough edges and jagged creases will  be sanded smooth. My inner beauty will shine and my true colors gleam. Over time, God, you will create in me a masterpiece of art, A true harmony of truth and spirit. Over time. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God, It pains me to say this, but my world has become too small. My window is tiny and my view is limited. Even though I see the sky and it brings spiritual relief, the walls of my inner fortress are very thick and my soul is stifled. Free me, God, so that I might fly out of the palm of your hand in the freedom and security of your presence. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,      Our history stretches behind us, silent footsteps in the stones of limestone and granite--our days marked by chiseled writings-- our future quietly waiting like a cat perched on horizons shelf. But here and now, our breath comes like holy whispers, you touch our cheek, a caress of mercy and only through ancient grace can we look behind and stare ahead. Jesus walked... AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,      The beauty of the worship center sways me to reverence, this is a Holy place, where eyes behold the art of the sacred. Set me down in this rainbow of beauty where prayers are whispered and proud Arias are sustained, and I will not move, even though my heart shall beat loudly in joyous peace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,    There are different forms of communication-- phone, mail, conversation... But when communicating with you, I like conversation or prayer. It seems more direct and we don't need a fancy red phone booth or a fancy red post box. So, I appreciate this opportunity to communicate directly with you. Thank you God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God, Here I am.   Ready for service.   Prepared for action. You have placed me here for reasons not clear to me.   But I believe in you and your vision. Perhaps, I will never know how I have made a difference,  affected a life for the good  or created an environment suitable for life and love. But I am yours and you are mine. Use me as you will. In the meantime,  I will stay vigilant and and prayerful and stand in proud humility.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God, New life is perilous.   Coming into this world is a birth that is fraught with peril, but also with beauty and love.  Such wonder, this springing from nothing into something which the eye can behold  and which we can touch, the velvet smells of loam and skin.   Some of us, old and worn, wrinkled and tethered to the earth still remember  and know the moments of birth and renewal that are never ending.  Spring in us the Spirit most Holy, O God.   Born us again.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,  May I be so bold as to wear a halo of arched branches ringed by light. I will stretch my neck to the heavens and ask permission to visit with you. My joy will be complete on this day  and I will survey the earth with you as my guide  and exclaim and wonder at the mysteries you have brought to life.  In the shelter of your love,  I shall be nourished and will then myself,  offer refuge to the creatures of the earth and nurture them in your grace.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God, Don't let them pen me in, because I am a mythical creature.   Only you see my true nature, a creature of mystery and romance.  I am a  word of great spirit and I have blazing speed,  lightning quick reflexes and great power.  Deep,in my innermost self I long to see your face and bring peace to the earth.   My compassion causes me to tremble and I weep.  I Am.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Easter

Dear God, Flowers bow their heads in beauty, truth and harmony, not in sorrow. We immerse ourselves in the blooms,  our heaven a blue vault and the earth our soul. In the colors of the rainbow are the smells of nature,  we smile and taste the texture, the aroma is smooth on our skin  and we sigh the sigh of the deep Spirit.  Gratitude at the loveliness of life fills us full to overflowing.  Lord God.  AMEN