
Showing posts from March, 2020

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, "You are our refuge and fortress", we will dwell under the shelter of your wings. "We will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day." Lord God, even though we might be stressed, anxious,  and fear the valley of the shadow of death, we will be strong and faithful in you. In you, O God, we know eternal love and grace. In you, O God, we live and breathe. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God, Gratitude.... For what are we thankful.... Blessings... What gifts have we received... Relationships.... Where is love found.... Difficulties... What have we learned... Simple pleasures... What gives joy.... Grace... What does this mean for us... Life... How do we make it meaningful.... God... AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God, In the nighttime of our lives, there is still light that illuminates. We are never in total darkness because your star of life shows the way. We see hope in the lights of our houses and the love that lives there. In times of crisis and fear, your presence glows about us. Can we see the glow? Do we feel the warmth? Open our senses and our minds to your loving presence, O God.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God, The beaches of our life are cluttered. People, events, thoughts, sins, anxieties litter our mind. But also, the beauty of those people and events and the  walk of life is precious. What a joy it has been, and we are grateful for  the textures and the tides of time; Tides that wash our thoughts clean and cleanse our souls. You, Jesus are the tides of our life, healing, saving, purifying. In the waves and waters of new life we find new birth. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God, Surround us with beauty-- the elegance of simplicity, the wonder of complexity. Open our eyes so we might see. Open our minds so that we might know, Open our hearts so that we might feel. The Divine whispers our name. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God, Sometimes it is the little things in life that make a difference. The tender moments that amuse and give delight. In the midst of difficult times, isolation, fear and stress, open our eyes and minds to these moments of joy,  the pause in the chaos that you provide for us. Open our hearts to the flashes of the Spirit glimpses of your love and providential grace. Come Holy Spirit, come. AMEN 

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God, In the middle of our lives, your light shines like rays from heaven. We pause from our errand, We are still in the midst of our task, We look up and feel the warmth of your love Flowing over us, a waterfall of light. There is no other place to go or to be. We stand on Holy Ground. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, In the midst of crisis when the seas foam and crash and the mountains roar and rumble and small invisible viruses spread and form, we look to you for consistency and continuity.  We notice the blooming spring flowers and the birds in flight. We observe the systematic rhythms of nature and we take heart. We stop and are still, and we feel your presence. And if we should feel ourselves sinking into the chaos, you reach out your hand and lift us into the boat of your love. Thank you God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God, Sometimes my mind swirls and tumbles in colors and forms beyond recognition. I attempt to put on glasses of insight but I still see through a misty fog. Only you can clarify my mind and bring resolution to my life. Only you can offer the sight and knowing of transformed vision and of a new heart and mind, My spirit longs for you and my soul whispers your name in joy and love. Hear my prayer, O God, AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God, Sometimes we want to retreat to a bubble where we will be safe from harm. A bubble where your light still shines and we are embraced by your wings. A bubble where the world will pass by and ignore us. But, the world, our loved ones, our friends, our responsibilities as members of your Kingdom, call us forth. So may we, we  pray, live both inside the eternal and ever present bubble of your loving protection and grace, and may we also do what needs to be done in the world of our life. Embrace us, enfold us, empower us, O God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God, Our praise for you reaches to the heavens and we build temples to proclaim our love and thanks. But you ask us to humble ourselves and to be like your Jesus. You ask us to not be content  glorifying in a church of splendor  but to wash each others feet,  to offer water and food to the needy  and to support one another in all times of trouble. You have told us that this is true worship. Help us, O God,  to worship you as we serve one another. Take away our fears and purify our hearts.  Give us hands and feet like Jesus. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God, Hidden within the core of our being is the unseen potential for new life. We are a web of cells and fibers, connected by the blood of your love  and enclosed in the spirit of your grace.  In your eternal beauty we are transformed,  have new life and live again in fresh unimagined ways.  May we be patient and gentle,  even as you lovingly hold us throughout all time.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday March 18, 2020

Dear God, We find ourselves in the mist of the unknown.  The landscape looks familiar yet, somehow,  we can't see the horizon  and even the valley and hills of our life are filled with clouds of uncertainty. But,you are the ground of our being. We walk on the lawns of faith and move with certainty through the shadows and valleys of darkness. We will not fear and we will be people of your beauty and love. Our life is in your hands of grace. AMEN