Hello, to all who might be reading this Blog.
A year and a half ago I started to write a "Morning Prayer." Just one a morning. No scriptures, no other thoughts; just the one short prayer. Not only have I found meaning and significance in doing this, but it seems to have touched a number of people in positive ways. I plan to continue this practice and have decided to put the morning prayer on this Blog so that anyone can see them, and respond if they wish.
i prepare to write the prayer by sitting very still and allowing my mind to float. Usually, a word or phrase comes to mind and as i start to prayerfully write, the prayer falls into place. I edit very little but allow it to be as it is.
I offer them as a form of meditation and mystery in our daily relationship with God.
Below is the last 12 morning prayers, just to get us started.
Thank you
Many Blessings of Peace and Joy,
Keith Haverkamp
God of Today,
may it be a grace-filled possibility.
may it be purely defined.
may the potential fill us with strong vision.
may we be empowered to work without ceasing.
we ask for your loving help and guidance. AMEN
often face challenges in our life; sometimes they seem very small and
sometimes quite large. But they are our challenges
and obstacles that we must face and overcome; we each know
what our challenges are this morning. We ask that we be granted the
courage, strength and determination to overcome and keep
on going. We pray that if possible we learn and grow from each hurdle
and become better people in the Kingdom. We pray that our efforts
scatter droplets of hope and joy wherever we go. AMEN
Oh God, May we rise from the ground to soar in the vault of heaven, immersing ourselves in the shimmering blue of ancient stars. May angels singing saturate our thoughts with opportunities beyond our dreams, filling us with the pure light of your vision and giving us wings of praise. May we know and understand the freedom in your love, O God, and the binding oneness found in your grace.AMEN.
As we tend our gardens of living soil, might you tend the garden of our souls. As we till the earth, adjusting the chemistry and planning the plantings -- might you rake us clean, bless our gifts and abilities and bring us into wellness of spirit. As we plant and hoe and weed and water -- might you purify and nourish and nurture us. Cast over us a balance of light and dark and help us to withstand the harshest of conditions. Bring us, we pray, to the fullest of growth and may our potential be realized in love. AMEN
As we tend our gardens of living soil, might you tend the garden of our souls. As we till the earth, adjusting the chemistry and planning the plantings -- might you rake us clean, bless our gifts and abilities and bring us into wellness of spirit. As we plant and hoe and weed and water -- might you purify and nourish and nurture us. Cast over us a balance of light and dark and help us to withstand the harshest of conditions. Bring us, we pray, to the fullest of growth and may our potential be realized in love. AMEN
light has come, ready or not. The day progresses and sometimes
we meander along, flow along, jog along, stumble along, or
purposefully move along. May this day unfold with purpose and
meaning. No matter how we move along, may we learn something along
the way and do some good deed. May we glorify you in our actions and
in our being. AMEN
we are too self-absorbed and see the world as revolving around us.
Help us to let go of thoughts of ourselves and immerse
ourselves in the people and events around us. Perhaps, we can
do good, offer a smile, reach out a hand, and be creators of life and
light and good. In gratitude and thankfulness may we "be",
this day of opportunity. AMEN
us to move through times of transition, those sticky and unsure times
of being in-between. As our world shakes and moves, help us to
find stable ground. .
Help us when we fight for control and have none. In
these times of weariness, help us to lean on you; our rock and our
ground of being. Help us to realize that our surrender is not
weakness but strength in knowing that the cosmic force of
your love is the glue that binds and the heartbeat that
gives life. In Jesus name we pray, AMEN
the sweetness of the day float through us filling our senses
in fragrant pinks and whites of God breath and angel song.
we pause and smell and hear and see the undulations of Spirit
flowing, carrying us in the dance of spring and the passage of
we be lifted up in Spirit transcendent thought and sing
of angel breath and God song to a world, hungry for beauty. AMEN
fortunate we are; most of us live in a land of freedom and a land
running with clear pure water. We live with abundant food
and housing that supports and holds us. We live in a land that
proclaims justice and mercy and guides and cares for us. Are we
blessed or are we just lucky? How we answer that question
might determine our level of gratitude and our level of
thanksgiving for our life and its mercy. Let us live in thanks for
the treasures and pleasures that we enjoy, in spite
of human hardships, we are blessed. AMEN
we be granted the luxury of slowing down and growing
the spirit within us. May we acknowledge that spirit
as holy, knowing that our body is the house of that divine
spark. In divinity may we breathe and perceive the world as a
sacred dwelling for our learning and your joy. Help us to not be
so caught up in our own design for eternity as we are for your
design for loving us. In divine fire, may we be flaming sparks of
your love. AMEN
would like to soar like an eagle today, but instead, the lawn needs
want to run and leap like a gazelle, but our knees hurt our back is
sore and our toes are twisted.
want to be a poet laureate and paint a masterpiece, but our taxes are
late the kitchen ceiling is greasy.
well, help us to be content in the small mundane things in life and
find deep wisdom in the kitchen sink. AMEN
us! Carry us to a healing place. A place of serenity and
tranquility. A place of endless skies and quiet warmth. A place
of murmuring angels where the pulse of creation beats like a measured
gong. A place where we are nourished with living waters that
flush us clean and purified with hyssop and myrrh that
wash away all our burdens, hurts and fears.
Carry us and hold us, living God, into the eternal place of wisdom
and freedom where we are free to let go and leap like
the Holy Spirit filled wind into your arms of grace.