May my inactivity be a time of
prayerful preparation for living in your name.
May my activity be dedicated to your
will and your way.
Take my spirit and transform me from
self serving to your service.
In your love and grace let me thrive. AMEN
Dear God, In the background of humanities struggle, the world of nature continues to flourish and provide. There is an inherent complexity in the design, and this complex web continues its flow into our veins and cells, proving once again that we are part of the ongoing order of life. What part do we play? What should we do to in the competition for survival? We ask to be filed with your Spirit of Holiness that provides us with knowledge, insight and wisdom. Help us on our journey O God. Humbly speaking and seeking, we are yours. AMEN
Dear God, The morning mist consumes much of the world in its shroud of unknowing. But revealed is the rock on which I stand and the raft of safety if I venture forth. You, O God, are the rock and the raft, for wherever I go, you are there. For your love and grace is always with us all. AMEN
Hey God, I wondered about the wisdom of getting out of bed today: If we do, then mistakes could be made, our muscles might get sore, we would use up resources like food and water, we might have to make decisions and face consequences, it sounds like a lot of work and effort... And then the dog jumped on the bed to go out, the cats started running and clawing, the roosters crowed, the donkey brayed, the sun shone in the window, the phone rang, and... Well, wish us luck with the day, and stick with us, O.K. AMEN