MorningPrayer Wednesday
Dear God,
Take us and use us this day as tools prepared to do good.
If we are dull, sharpen us.
If we are rusty, oil us.
If we are sputtering, gas us up.
If we are broken, heal us.
If we are afraid of our purpose, redirect us to the maunal of use.
If we are lost, search for us, find us, love us.
In your service, we live.
Take us and use us this day as tools prepared to do good.
If we are dull, sharpen us.
If we are rusty, oil us.
If we are sputtering, gas us up.
If we are broken, heal us.
If we are afraid of our purpose, redirect us to the maunal of use.
If we are lost, search for us, find us, love us.
In your service, we live.