
Showing posts from March, 2017

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,      May we sit in the temple of heart-felt serenity, the quiet spirit that knows peace. May our soul reside in the palm of your hand as we absorb the template of creations fire.  Saturate us in your brilliance, the atomic grace of raging love and bring us glowing and grateful into eternal joy. In Jesus, we pray. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,       The seeds of possibility have been planted in the ground of our potential. Fresh and hopeful, we await the signs of new life.  Nurture us with the sunlight of your truth and the waters of your justice. Weed us with hands of compassion and bring a spirit of sacredness into our surroundings. May we come to life within the garden of your presence and grow in the sweetness of your vision. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,      In the peach blossoms of spring, expectancy blooms as fresh as morning dew and droplets of sun sparkling in the dawn. Free us from the constraints of ourselves, O God, and bring us, vibrant and gasping into a new life of breathlessness in the Spirit of holiness. In the miracle of your presence, we jump from the fountain of youth into eternity. In the sacred love of Jesus, we find infinity. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,     No matter how much we understand our mortality and know the limitations of our life, we still grieve and feel the pain of death whether it is expected or especially when it is sudden and unanticipated.  It surprises us and makes us weep in disbelief. Help us to celebrate that which we have had and remember in love that which we have received by grace. Be with us all in our loss and our weeping and hold us in the palm of your hand. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,      The festival of spring is upon us. We bask in the rainbow of earth's extravagance and drink in the aroma of creations' brilliance. In the breath between rain and sun we also can thrive in the possibility of new birth.  Our potential is unlimited. In the rebirth cycle that you provide, we can be transformed. In the possible pain of growth, you will sustain us and bring us to a new awareness of love in your grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,     Somewhere out there, a child is lost, a mother cries and a father is in despair. There is sadness in the human family that is torn from home and community by war, greed arrogance and misplaced idealism.  Where is the bread of compassion, the wine of hope and the feather bed of empathy?  With our fledgling vision of life and our wrinkled dollars, we pray that we might respond. With our tattered cloths of torn garments, we pray to wipe tears from forlorn faces and offer a touch that might heal hearts and minds. As Jesus gave, so might we give. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,  So, God,  This is the day that you have made? Rejoice and be glad in it? Why, sure. Why not? Might as well. Let's make the most of it. Let's do it right Or as best as we can. This day, This very day  Could well be the start of something new. A new beginning. Thank you, God. Thank you, Jesus  For this day And this opportunity. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,      Sometimes we lose perspective on our life.  Small things loom large as obstacles unsolvable and matters of true importance and meaning are forgotten and lost. Please soothe our anxieties, filter our stress calm our fears. Raise our trust level so that we can with confidence give you our problems and return to a clear understanding and perspective of the goodness and holiness of life as known in love and grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,      Help us in our tendency to rush about, like a horse on the track, blindly  racing towards the finish line.  Help us to pause, and be still.  Help us to stop and ponder and see and smell.  Help us to listen carefully to the song and touch the new air. Help us to pray the God prayer of love and peace and wrap the cloak of grace around our shoulders. In you, we will be still and in so doing, know you. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,      On this broad earth based stage of life, we each find our own spotlight. We pray to make the most of our moment on stage.  We pray to radiate and live a performance of truth, beauty and harmony that shines and makes the stage glow and brings joy to other performers. May we be people of integrity that boldly and bravely face the conflicts of the stage and reach for the highest and best in the image of God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,       Good morning, rain and fog and mist of sky that coats our earth in slimy ooze.      Good morning plants of green and flowers bright and sun that might tomorrow shine.      There is a plan an ancient plan unfolding in Your good way and time.       So, maybe someday it shall be clear where we go from there to here. AMEN  

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,      Sometimes we feel like we are in the spin cycle of the washing machine, twisting relentlessly. Is it all spinning:  the earth, the solar system, the universe, electrons and synapses, neurons and blood circulating, our minds in free-fall? Perhaps, you are the only stable place, the pivot point around which we revolve. You, God, are our point of balance, our foundation upon which we breathe and spin. In you, we find our stability. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,      Sometimes the Oregon trails of our life leave us bogged down in mud and we fear we cannot take another step.  Help us to discard useless baggage and keep us moving ahead slowly but surely.  If we become too broken down, then please carry us and do not let us flounder forever.  For we long to travel with you and live in your house of grace forever. AMEN    

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,      In the silence and solitude of drifting snow and leaden skies, we listen for your voice.  Be still, and hear; your murmur is loud and clear, your whisper enters our minds and takes root.  Our thoughts are saturated with your presence and the silence is filled with wonder and mystery.  There is no loneliness here, for immersed in your heartbeat, we are filled in the vibrant breath of life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

     We sit with you, the sad and forlorn, the disenfranchised and forgotten and offer your comfort.  May it flow like heat from the fire and water from the mountain. Be strong and allow the dis-ease to wash away.  Be comforted in the garment of grace.  Relax into the hands of eternal love. Allow the stress and anxiety, the fear and the pain burn away in the fires of God's holy presence.  For you are set free to live nobly and beautifully in the Kingdom of the Most High. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,       Time and memory are fickle companions; sometimes our yesterdays feel like our today and present as our tomorrows.  Sometimes, when we close our eyes and breathe deeply of the spirit we walk with Jesus and he touches our foreheads and smears it with grace. We walk in the Kingdom of his vision and weep quietly in the Garden. We long for that which we can't have, the past of our ambition.  But you, God, know best. We bow our head to your loving guidance. We submit. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,     What knowledge can we learn?  What wisdom can we attain? What mysteries of the universe can we understand? Can we grow in spirit and live out the vision of our soul?      With your love that sustains us and your grace that absorbs us, we can fill the gaps in ourselves, soar to new heights and be in your everlasting image. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,    Sometimes memories overtake us creaking like a squeaky washing machine, irritating and painful.  Sometimes, though, memories are a sweet fragrance, floating on a breeze and lifting our spirits. May we be transformed by good memories and lifted above those that cause pain. May our prayers be filled with the hope of the past and a vision of the future. May our senses be saturated with you, our God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,     As containers of possibilities may we be emptied, cleaned and purified.  May the lively streams of your loving grace flow into us and fill us full to overflowing.  In the beauty of your spirit may we become laughing waters of your presence and bring healing and living waters to all.  May it be in the name of Jesus, the everlasting drink that refreshes, replenishes and renews. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,      May we  pause in the blessing of the morning light and breathe in the new possibility. Can we feel the air of the spirit drift around our face and the flow of prayer settle on our shoulders. The silence of being fills us  with cosmic potential and we are still in the newness of today. Without doubt, it is your grace and power that creates this moment and in gratitude we bow our heads, lift our arms and murmur, praise. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,      Sometimes the world is so filled with sadness and sorrow on both an individual personal basis and crises of a larger humanitarian nature, that we hang our heads in both grief and despair. But we do not give up. We reach out in prayer and prayer lifts the clouds and gives rise to the sunlight of hope. We look to you, God, to help us in our problems and pains.  We look to you to help us strive for a higher level of being of kindness and love. We rest our lives in the Holy Spirit of your presence and the Jesus of compassionate touch. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Holy Lord,     Sabbath day again! Suddenly upon us.     Startles us with its freshness. Surprises us with its possibilities.    Seduces us with its wonder. Silently we pause and experience transforming presence.     Serenity! Son of God, AMEN  

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,      Sometimes, in spite of ourselves, we experience negativity and emotional lows that we can't control. They seep over us like a low lying fog. We pray that you will be the Sonlight that burns away the vapors and the Spirit wind that washes us clean. We trust in you, O God, to bring us new life and in your love we will know transformation of self, the wholeness of soul and wellness of spirit. May amazing mysterious grace be ours as we dwell in your house all the days of our life. AMEN