MorningPrayer Monday
Dear God,
No matter how much we understand our mortality and know the limitations of our life, we still grieve and feel the pain of death whether it is expected or especially when it is sudden and unanticipated. It surprises us and makes us weep in disbelief. Help us to celebrate that which we have had and remember in love that which we have received by grace. Be with us all in our loss and our weeping and hold us in the palm of your hand. AMEN
No matter how much we understand our mortality and know the limitations of our life, we still grieve and feel the pain of death whether it is expected or especially when it is sudden and unanticipated. It surprises us and makes us weep in disbelief. Help us to celebrate that which we have had and remember in love that which we have received by grace. Be with us all in our loss and our weeping and hold us in the palm of your hand. AMEN