
Showing posts from May, 2018

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God, The process of life seems to about building and rebuilding. It is about development, change and transition. I pray that you will be the architect and engineer of my design. I know I can count on you to build me correctly and fine tune my form. Thank you for participating in this enterprise of development so I can be the best me possible. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God, Help me to be a person of careful reflective thinking.  May I not react so much as respond.  May I be still and calm.  May I be a person of integrity and truthfulness.  In the light of your gaze and the vision of your heart may my Soul and Spirit aspire. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, Even though I be an old stump, worn and torn and surviving in a backwater creek, may I still be a resting place for new life. Might I offer a foundation of integrity and truth,  of beauty and harmony of respect and kindness. May my legacy be not just what I was  but what I support and believe for the future. In your help and in your grace and in your peace and in your love.  So be it. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God, Consider the state of my soul... If I have sinned by commission, may I be forgiven. If I have sinned by omission, may I be forgiven. May those who I have failed, grant me the grace of forgiveness. May I forgive myself and strive for a higher purpose. May I be lost in praise and thanksgiving, to you, my Lord and God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God, Surrounded by beauty, we inhale, and ponder the wonders of our world.  We also  have the means we have made to explore--, our technology is a wonder and we pause.  We balance that which is, has been and can be. The natural rhythms of life are intricate, We need your touch to be constant, to teach us awareness  and to love in beauty. Thank you God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God, Take me to the resting bench The bench of calm repose. Hold me dry and safe and warm, Support my weary form. Beneath me waters swirl and lap Reflect the sun and rain. But here in faith I play in grace I see your loving face. AMEN

MorningPrayer Werdnesday

Dear God, May I follow the pathway of your brightest presence.   Even though the mist obscures the future,  I trust that you will lead me with your loving smile and your sparkling vision.  Help me to walk this Kingdom of these days of my life with integrity and kindness so that the Kingdom of your eternal compassion  might be mine to claim and yours to give. Bless the Lord O my Soul. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God, Take our restless moving spirit and shine your radiance of grace upon it. We need your brilliance and colorful touch of love to give us both serenity and energy. Within the limits of our potential, might we explore the shoreline of  possibilities and continue to grow in elegance and faith.  In Jesus name, we pray,  AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, Come Holy Spirit come! Fall upon us this hour. Animate us, Send your breath of life upon us. Fill us and overflow us. Let us be and do Within your loving compassion and wisdom.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday of Pentecost

Dear God, Fill us full of the Holy Spirit until our joy overflows. Let this gift of energy fall on us, giving us breath and power. Anoint us with your flames of passion and your breath of love. Animate us with new life and hope So that we might be life givers and  co-creators of your Kingdom of grace. Holy Spirit come.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Prayers of well being for Hannah, who today is in labor with her first child. Dear God, We prepare ourselves for a spring of faith.  We commit ourselves knowing that you are the ground of our leaping. .  We fling ourselves to the heavens, trusting in you.  Upside down in life, we know you are our vision and our grounding.  We spiral, we flip, we turn, in our mighty cartwheel of faith and life lived by the Spirit. Our trust is rewarded.  We are home in your love and resolute in your grace.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God, The womb of the sky opens up -- angels and new life burst forth. Hallelujah! Thank you God, for this miracle and mystery. Expanding and growing, enveloping the world in potential of grace. We gaze deep into the Spirit and see our Soul in the palm of your hand, Words fail us and we are caught in the rush of the Holy Spirit And we imagine your face, most Holy, O generous God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God, Sometimes when our world seems the darkest and we are filled with despair, A light suddenly shines and we know that you are there. Our black mood of hopelessness is pricked with hope A beam of light shines upon us and our vision is increased We see your loving grace and we bow our head in peace. "I believe. Help my unbelief". AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God, We are like blades of grass, growing in the plot of land along with thousands of others. We are alike, but yet different.  We are individuals but part of community. Whatever is unique and good in us, we ask that you magnify. Whatever is possible and positive we ask that you edify. Whatever is filled with life we ask that you spirit fill. For our time is short and we shall wither. Bring us to fullest of fruition and glorify in the sacred. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God, Surround us with beauty-- the elegance of simplicity, the wonder of complexity. Open our eyes so we might see. Open our minds so that we might know, Open our hearts so that we might feel. The Divine whispers our name. AMEN Photo: York Haverkamp. Botanical Gardens of Scotland

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, The Grams provide for us the taste of delight, Like you, yourself, giving us the taste of heaven. It is not complicated It is the simplicity of joy that is deep seated in our DNA-- The profound desire to satisfy our senses and fill our soul with the taste of the Divine. So, today, let us pause in this simple pleasure, Feast and be still. AMEN (note:the Grams are fictional grandparents who function like God.

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God, We pray for mother's everywhere. That they will be good nurturers of souls, longing to live and flourish. We pray for them in their successes and failures, for it is a formidable task. We give thanks to those who shared their lives with us, giving the best of themselves so that we might grow in wellness and wholeness. We give thanks to you, O God, for you are like a mother to us and we live in gratitude to your love and grace, AMEN

MornibngPrayer Saturday

Dear God, There is a source for my life-- that source is you. You are the light and you are the living water. You stretch my horizons. You ripple the surface of my being. You enter into me and I overflow. Without you, I am darkness. Without you, I am dried up sand. Without you, I have no form or substance. With you, I am Spirit filled Life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God, Empty me of small ideas, tiny understandings and minimal wisdom. Center me in your thoughts and expand my consciousness. Open in me wide open spaces so I might explore the universe. Fill me with the rhythms of light and form so that I might grow in the universal Spirit of your Truth, Beauty and Harmony. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God, As you burn in love for us May we burn as a reflection of your passion May we be holy as you are holy. May we be the light and presence of  harmony and joy  as you are beauty and truth. As you are calm and still in the eye of the storm May we be serene and faithful in your enduring grace. May our every footstep on the beach of life  be an imprint of your peace and desire. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God, There is that which is old and massive... A tree   being one of the oldest living things on earth created from the stuff of creation. A cathedral  old but not ancient created by living hands. In awe, we sit in the midst of creation- Ourselves  being part of this harmony of soul and spirit. Humbly we inhabit this cathedral, our spinning earth. AMEN Ancient Yew tree in Scotland. The roots are about 5000 years old

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God, May we soar together, you and I, this day, may we soar. I will move my mighty wings and you will be the air of my flight. The heaven opens in possibilities, my potential is revealed Because you are a generous and loving God. See, I feel the warmth of the Son rising. The Spirit lift me into the open arms of your presence. I live. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, Within me, simmering below the surface like the steam of a volcano are prayers unspoken but hot and burning, I present them to you in the fullness of my faith. I bow my head in peace and receive the anointing oil of your touch. Cleansed, purified, I look up... All is still,  I have given away the pain. Peace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

 Dear God, This morning I will refresh myself in fresh sprung beauty,  This morning I will lift up my fresh young arms and I will say Praise. This morning I will jump and shout and leap for joy. I will say Thank You, God and I will pray within the community. And our Joy will spread and Your Joy  will be complete. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God, Morning sun captures the silence like frames of a silent movie. My longing for  mercy lies quietly in this moment of elegance and you offer peace within the commandments. Yes, we are bound by the structure of love Contained within its beauty And held by the harmony of form. We are freed by your gift to us. Your mercy has released me and set my soul on the path of life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,  I am not broken. I am a bubble of the universe, A womb of infinite possibilities. I am filled with the promise of creation And the potential of new life. Through the wonder of your touch Create in me warmth and light. Fill me full of your love and your breath. May your heart beat within me And become the flesh of my flesh. I am a vessel of grace.  Abide in me and I abide in you. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God, How quickly time passes. The floral splendor of our youth withers And we are but silken fibers of our former glory. But, in our beauty lies new truth And delicate understanding of the essence of life. Your Word, O God, lasts forever And we continue to grace meadows and hillsides in fresh elegance and wisdom. Come Holy Spirit come, Like the wind, breathe on us. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God, The winds and waves of life sometimes beat us down,  eroding our base, causing pain, sadness and distress. It is inevitable, I know, but it is still difficult. Help us to survive the onslaught of our world. Help us to keep on going in spite of disappointments and failures. Help us to live gracefully in spite of the problems that assail us. Help us to keep our foundation of belief intact. Help us to live in gentleness and kindness. May our prayers be stronger that the wind and waves that beat upon us. Hear our voice, O God. Hold us firm, Jesus.' Fill us Holy Spirit., AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God, What world have you given us that we are to inhabit and dream?  Give me what you will, and then give me the joy and peace to inhabit that dwelling of my body and soul. Grow fruit within my spirit and show me the way to give it away so others might live in beauty....for truly, I have what I need and I am content. I have eaten of wheat and grape and am satisfied.  You have provided. It is good. AMEN