MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,
    Like Moses standing on Holy ground, we stand with head bowed before the sacred fire of life. We sing, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty..." awed by the beauty of this gift. In this universe of spinning rocks, exploding stars and fuming gases, what is humanity, that you are mindful of us?  In this universe of photons, electrons, invisible  atoms and pulsing blood, what is humanity that you are mindful of us?  And yet, we, with beating heart and intake of breath gaze at the skies and gaze into loved one's eyes and experience the mystery and wonder of life; the gift of being. With head bowed we are anointed with the oils of your presence.  Our cup overflows. Trembling in awe we are filled to overflowing with gratitude. We are still, overwhelmed by life and filled with thanksgiving. AMEN


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