
Showing posts from August, 2013

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,     Hold this day, in the palm of your hand those that are tired and worn. Anoint with healing oils those that are sick and sad.  Touch the eyes of those whose vision and hope have grown dim.  Reach out and grasp the hand of those who flounder in distress.  Fill our hearts full of a Holy Spirit of joy.  Fill our spirits full of new life.  Fill our souls full of ancient wisdom. Help us to achieve new heights of purity as you fill us with infinite and eternal grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,    Sometimes we wake and the sunlight is like jagged spears and the sounds of the day are pounding cymbals. We step from bed onto jagged glass and  our minds fill with raging oceans of chaos and darkness; we shout for peace and there  is none.  Help us, O Lord, to then stop and be still; no rushing,  no shouting. pause and sink into a meadow of grasses long and sunlight warm and soft.  Help us to breathe deeply and prayerfully of your deep cosmic silence and find ourselves in prayers of grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,    Today is a new day of being and becoming. Take our potential and unleash it in the opportunities and possibilities of the world. Help us to be most awake, aware and alert in our daily contacts and daily work. Be with us, o Lord, in all that we are, say and do. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear Lord God,    Hear our prayer for humanity.  How can we not grieve for our species? How can we not weep for what we do to each other? Why have human  beings failed in the pursuit of peaceful coexistence? Why can we not raise our consciousness to a higher level of loving compassion and pursue justice, tolerance, understanding and peace?  Instead we find solutions in warfare and are led to even higher more aggressive stances of violence. Are we made in your image, O God?  Why then, can we not achieve a higher state of purity?  May you shine in us and give us radiance and gentleness as a mantle of protection. Let us be born again in your divine image of holiness, we pray. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,    Sometimes memories  both old and new litter the shoreline of our lives; we pray that the seas of cleansing will wash over them and purify and cleanse. We pray that the tides of forgiveness will  break down and take away the pain and loss.  We pray that the light of your love and the gift of grace will create in us fresh, clean hearts of love and we might begin anew in the morning of a new dawn. In the light, in love, in grace of your being, we pray, O God. AMEN


Dear God,    Sing us a lullaby at night, wake us with birds in the morning light.    Soothe our souls as we sleep, our bodies resting, our spirits keep.    Breathe in us the breath of life, ease our minds, take away strife.    Thank you God for all that you do, in deepest gratitude our hearts turn to you.    AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Lord God,   We stand at the doorway of becoming.  We are gently nudged from behind by your angels and we turn the doorknob to new possibilities.  Jesus stands in the open doorway with our glowing lamp of potential and leads us forward, over the threshold of our doubt.  We enter the Kingdom of compassion and breathe in the fragrance of hope, joy, peace and love.  Into the wonder and mystery of the divine, we  merge within Holiness and utter a sigh of tranquility. AMEN 

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,   In the glory of silken light might we see small things that fall on our shore; objects of beauty and unexpected elegance. Maybe we ourselves are feeling worn and torn, but we can still be light filled and the glory of God can fill us and flow from us. Use us, God, as a small thing on the shore of someone's need and hope and may we feel your love as it fills us and pours from us. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,   Hold us in the palm of your hand and surround us in glorious light.  Spread before us the heavens of laughter and provide music of angels so we might dance, stepping on stars and riding moonbeams across gold speckled skies. In the tapestry of the land might we see your vision of creation and love flowing like Holy Spirit Wind, filling our mout hs full of song and our spirits full of mirth. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear Lord,   Sometimes we are selfish and greedy...not only do we live in comfort and with blessings but we thrive in abundance.  So why, do we want more? Why, O God, are we not satisfied?  You have given us life and immersed us in beauty with opportunities for creative expression and relational why do we mutter and murmur that it is not enough?  Help us to look to the hills, the skies, the flowers of the land and feel the joy of life in all its glory as the truest expressions of your loving grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Lord God,    In our faith, might we see our selves reflected in the quilt of the land. Might our faith be active and vital so that the sky of our land might be active and vital. Don't allow our religion,  belief, faith to keep us dormant and un-involved.  Might we be propelled in compassion and caring to interact, engage and participate in the landscape of life. As Jesus reached out and touched his world, might we be the reflection of his image. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,    Help us to think positive thoughts today that harvest vegetables from the soil.   Help us to have words of affirmation that build castles and don't destroy gardens. Be with us in our vision so we see gleaming oases and not mirages in the desert. Help us to pluck fresh fruit from the tree of life and not throw rotten fruit from the ground. In other words, turn our minds into a life-loving way of being. In Jesus name who affirmed life, we pray. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Lord God,   For those who are feeling weary and weak, we pray they might have stamina and endurance.   For those who are feeling lost and forlorn, we pray they will be supported and held.   For those who sorrow and mourn, we pray they will be comforted and loved.   For all of us, O God, may your spirit fill us, so we might live fully within the Kingdom of your Presence. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,    Be still my soul. May the nighttime of moon and stars be a halo for our thoughts. May the daylight of sun and sky be a universe of space for our  souls to explore.  Filled with awe may we float in the grandeur and magnificence of the heavens.  May we find you there, O God, in the realm of sky and space and in the interior space of our silence and wonder. May we sing Alleluia and be a living prayer. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,    May we commune with you in the flaming embers of faith.  May your presence fill us with the white heat of belief. In our simple daily walk might we step in the sure and certain knowledge that you walk with us and light our path.  Then use us, O God, to be light and heat of your love so that others might know of your presence and live in the flames of faith. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,    May we rest in peace in you this day.  In the midst of times of distress and periods of dis-ease may we walk in peace. May we be calm and find solitude in the strata of your light and serenity on the calm seas of life. Help us to have the inner vision of contentment and an attitude of positive light and love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,    Change is in the air.  We peer through the trees of aging greens and see specks of sky floating by. We wonder about the changes we see and watch the swirling leaves around our ankles and feet. Where are the changes taking us and how will we be affected? Can we see through the trees, can we pile up the leaves, can we forecast the sky?  Help us, O God, to stay in a serene place and rest our thoughts in the comfort of your presence. Let us abide in you and your peace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,   We awake and behold the crown of the skies declares your majesty and lifts us to new heights of awareness. May our minds be opened up so we might soar in the mystery of cosmic space. May we see and know the unlimited powers of our minds and of our souls that have no boundaries or limits because we are made in your image.  As  free beings, we spiral in the freedom of your love and grace, O God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,    Listening! Hearing!  Paying attention!  Not thinking but listening and hearing. Not responding as we are listening but hearing, paying attention.  Not reverting to old statements but reflecting upon the new voice.  Reflecting, thinking, digesting the voice. Sitting quietly in new knowledge. Hearing inner voice in the stillness of new thought.  Responding. Fresh response. New moment. Fresh ideas. Moving forward, new script, new story.  Allow us to hear, listen, reflect, respond, O God, to you and to everybody and everything in creation. AMEN                                                                           water

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,    I have a list of things to do..but I lost the list.  Ah, mmm...i think the first items was:  check the list ..mmm! I remember a few, it went something like this:    -Be happy today.  - Be healthy in thoughts, words and deed.    -Don't  run the whole show.  -Give to God the things of life you  can't  control.  -Prayerfully hold on to the rest but be prepared to let let them go, too.  -Do the best you can within the limits of the day.  -Don't expect  perfection .  -Be nice, kind, caring.  -Rejoice in life itself. Wow, God!  that is a long list.  Help us to execute the list in peace and in your grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,   May the music of the angels raise us to new heights of wonder, freeing our feet from the earthly mud and lifting us to soar in the golden heights of glowing light.  May our spirits soar, spiral and twirl, leaving rainbows of joy and mystery trailing behind.  May the song of creation's joy flow into  us and may the magic of your love, O God, create in us new hearts.  May Jesus, who soared, be our guide, AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,    The light lies quietly across the woods this morning. The dialogue between bird, squirrel, insect and wind is below our senses. And yet, there is dialogue, conversation, interaction occurring at multiple levels of holiness,  just as the dialogues in our minds are unceasing chatter. We pray that our inner dialogues, our mind-talk  below the seen and heard will  be gentle, peaceful, loving kind and holy.  May it be uncritical, non-judgmental, tolerant and wise. May we give and receive holiness in our most private of interactions.  May Jesus be our inner Spirit, AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,    In the newness of this day, we cast off our old cloak and put on the new cloak of your calling. As we have reached out to you, you have accepted us and bring us into newness of life.  "Wear this cloak of purity, light and truth," you say to us.  You offer us a helping hand and we feel the cloak settle around our shoulders We are lifted up in the breath of dawn as the Holy Spirit enfolds us and offers us a new life in the spirit of love and grace.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Holy Lord,   In this novel of life, it seems that the pages often turn like a swiftly beating wing and we are just along for the read and the fly.  Who is the author? Who is creating this novel where we are the main character? Is it you, God, and do we have a say? Can we pick up the pen, place our hands on the keyboard;  google a new expression and ending of our own?  We are convinced it is a great novel and we pray that we use our freedom to create and fly to new heights of imagination, love and grace. We pray in Jesus name, the author of life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,    Help us to be mindful of creation. Our earth is a wonderful mother, offering us light nurture and nourishment in abundance. How blessed are we! Let us be sensitive of our use and abuse of our mother. May our footsteps be small as we use only what we need and may we always give thanks for the gifts we are given and the blessings we receive. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear Lord,     Today, if we are tired and weary, hold us in your arms of caring.  Today, if we are sad and forlorn, embrace us in a hug of compassion.  Today, if we are lost and afraid, grasp our hand and lead us gently.  Today, if we are light and merry, dance with us the steps of joy.  Today, if we see a need, may we be reflections of your love and grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,    Sometimes it seems as if the construction of our house of self has gone awry.  The architect must be snoozing and the contractor is blind. The building materials are warped and breaking and the vision of perfection has  been mislaid. This is not what we had in mind, O God! But you say to us in calm demeanor, "The foundation is good and you will not fall for I myself have set you on solid ground.  My grace is sufficient for you." us to live within the sufficiency of the "is" of your grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God of Holiness,    Help us to pause between breaths and be still.  We know the temptation is to, "just keep on going," but in the holiness of stopping we might regain our direction and find ourselves, anew. Help us to exhale the fears, pains and losses and breathe in the divine understanding of fresh start, and new life.  In your purest energy, beauty, truth and unity may we continue to grow and live. AMEN