
Showing posts from 2018

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God, The morning mist consumes much of the world in its shroud of unknowing. But revealed is the rock on which I stand and the raft of safety if I venture forth. You, O God, are the rock and the raft, for wherever I go, you are there. For your love and grace is always with us all. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, We take to the waters of life in different ways... It is natural, we are inclined, we are taught, we adapt. We learn how to live in slow methodical ways  and we are taught values and ideologies  through our elders, teachers and the wisdom of the ages. But in you, we earn gratitude and selflessness.   We learn the joy of mystery and the peace of wonder.   We learn that faith helps us to float through all the waters of life. Jesus walked on water. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God, Sometimes, we are busy as a bee doing the tasks of our life... and we forget to pause and  smell, see, taste, feel, hear the beauty and wonder the mystery and magic the sacred  holiness of our world. May we stop and be. Jesus, on the mountaintop praying. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God, I wonder if the Holy Spirit is like three different kinds of dogs, keeping watch over us from three different angles.  Each image of you, ready to react, help, save and direct us in our swim of life... but what I do know, is that we are never away from your watchful eye, protection and care of us. individually.  Thank you God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God, Your all-seeing eye sees my seeing eye and knows my soul. You wrap the colors of my spirit around me and grow me upwards. You embrace my mind and my thoughts and grow me inward  in the love of life and the holding of the precious. In all things and in all ways, you whisper my name when I call you. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God, Sometimes, with your help and guidance, we need to cut away some of our own branches. We need to prune our self so that we can grow better, straighter, purer. The growth process requires monitoring at all phases of our life.   We look to the Holy Spirit to give us knowledge and wisdom as we grow and develop. Yes, sometimes this is painful but we know you will support us in our efforts at growth and that this pruning will make us better members of the Kingdom. You are our master gardener, O God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God, We pray for those who are helpless in the face of difficulties or stress. Or who lie exhausted on the ground after the brief race of life.Support them, O God, in their pain and dis-ease.  Wipe away the sweat of distress and soothe the pain of dis-comfort. May your spirit of wholeness and wellness flow through their bodies and bring renewal to their aching minds.  In your loving hands and in your grace we give those who are in need. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God, I  consider the intricacies of my body; the fibers, arteries, veins, cells, muscles and blood flowing and moving, winding and twisting its way through the universe of, me and you.  Our bones, firm and strong like the trunks of trees, so like your eternal care,  holding us upright through all time.   For truly, "We are fearfully and wonderfully made,"  and our indwelling spirit is your thought and mind.  "And he breathed on them and said, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.'" AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, Storms rage around us but we are safe on the mountain top of your love. You protect us with your word and your smile. Your laughter is a bulwark around us and your garment a mighty fortress. Nestled in the palm of your compassion  we dance the steps of salvation and sing of your grace.   It is good. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God, The mirror of life is often beautiful. We remember the reflection of grace and we look forward to the reflection of new truth. Caught in the reflecting surface, we are vulnerable and naked before your eyes. May we rise to greater heights of purity  and may we be seen as people of loving kindness and compassion.  As Jesus reflected your love, so might we reflect the Divine.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God, You have stirred me and swirled me. Folded me and rolled me. I am colors of the rainbow and the dark of night. I am both seen and unseen. You have cast me in the air and caught me like the wind. I am knighted, saved, healed, condemned and forgiven. I am your child of light, your living legacy. I am of the earth and I bow low. I am yours.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God, Morning softness flows from hill to hill, Quiet glory rising from leaf to mist. How gentle is thy loving touch, the day to present, our breath prepare. This moment to recall When crows caw and motors hum. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, Hold fast to us in the evening waters of our life.  Float us in the shallow tide of warm ripples and snug us down in the sands of time.  We know we can not drift to far from your presence for wherever we go, you are there.  Your embrace is beauty and truth, light and warmth, joy and peace.  In you and on you, we find our rest.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God, We are not promised only sunlight and peace in our lives.  For once alive, we experience the totality of human emotion and passion; joys and sorrows. So, may we be realistic in our expectations, but always hopeful and prayerful in our dreams. May we have the strength to endure the pain and the laughter to enjoy the dance. In all things, we know that you are with us. Your comfort and the hem of your garment sustain us. With thankful heads we bow. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God, For flowers abundant growing For blossoms colorful exploding. For generosity spilling from your heart Anointing earth Bringing life to our frozen selves. We are grateful. We give praise. See, smell, taste The fragrance. Jesus anointed with oil. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God, Our world in a dew drop, Caught in the morning sun. What do we perceive and know? How do we understand that which is available to our senses? And  beyond what we understand, underneath below the scene, Is the  mystery and awe of the unexplained. That of life and growth beginnings and endings, love and purpose. God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God, No wall, no matter how finely crafted or strong of stone it might  be, can keep you out of our hearts.  As the Psalmist says,' We cannot hide from your spirit", for you only desire the very best for us: you whisper, roar, plead, invite, communicate with us, asking for permission to love and offer infinite grace. So, help us to dismantle the walls and be open and vulnerable to you; and then, our joy will be complete. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Holy Lord,  We gather as the Body of Christ  a Fellowship of human vessels made of clay, water and air.  But, we are not earthbound.  You lift us up and give us wings of the Spirit and hearts of sacred vision.   Might we grow in unique forms of  beauty  and truth   and be filled in your purpose and in your love.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God, We wonder at the perfection of creation-- The perfectly formed egg, exquisite in its simplicity and consistent in its design. The cheek of an infant-- the cells carefully aligned flowing into eyes, mouth, nose. These common everyday objects are stunning and miraculous. Their beauty is  breathtaking if we but allow our breath to be taken away. Finally, we sit in awe.  Praise and Gratitude. Life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God, Be with those whose souls are troubled and spirits void of joy.  Cast the peace of your presence and the grace of hope upon them.  Let the breath of your love flow across their face  and may their hearts be warmed and comforted in your Holy Spirit.  For truly, we are surrounded by beauty  and we might yet walk in harmony and know the goodness and truth of gentle things.  In the compassion and wonder of Jesus, may we be.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Hagia Sophia with the Blue Mosque in the distance. Istanbul Dear God, The history of humanity marches before us, domes and spires, triumphs and failures. So where do we stand, now,  in this movement of time?  Where do you stand God?  What observations can we make,  what wisdom can you offer to  bring us together  in  tolerance, acceptance and mutual understanding . For surely, we in our arrogance and pride have failed in our mission  to unite the earth  and to live as a multi-colored, varied species of  beings. We give our kingdoms to you, God, to resurrect and redeem. As Jesus did, so might we.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God, For troubled people in troubled places we pray. For those who suffer under natural disasters such as volcano, flood, fire, we pray. For those who suffer under governments of terror, injustice, war, poverty and oppression. For those who suffer under economic hardship and wander without home and safety we pray. For those who suffer because of our hatred, dislike, racial, sexual and ethnic intolerance, we pray. And we pray for ourselves, that we be part of the solutions and not part of the problems. Be with the people of the earth, O God. Offer support to those of need and for those of us who do not suffer, may we be awakened to the plight of our brothers and sisters and be filled with compassion and deeds of caring and love.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God, Create of me a tapestry of color, weaving me from the prism of flora,  A tumbled soul of peace and joy. Create of me from the budding spring, a spirit of hope woven in a fabric of mindfulness. Create in me a heart of compassion, singing of new life and life everlasting. Create of me a servant of gratitude and praise. Holy is your name. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, Surrounded by beauty-- Vast far reaching places. Filling my heart, Those vast aching spaces. Enter in God-- Universe mind stretching light, Expand my thirsty soul In Spirit filled mind bending sight. This precious gift-- How generous  your embrace. I bow my grateful head, Humbled by infinite grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God, Simplify me. Within the complexities of life I desire the simplex. As mystical  as you are and as mysterious as life is... Simplification would be good. Like humility, simplicity is of the earth-- of wind, stars and sunsets. If it be your pleasure, turn me into wind and spirit with your Holy breath. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God, The mystery of time is sometimes frozen within the confines of our soul. All history is compressed into crystals of frozen light and we shine white and blue in dizzy cycles of memory and romance. May we be purified and cleansed by your grace that lies upon us with the weight of the ages and the flick of a feather. For surely, your truth will not overwhelm us and in faith we will be transported into the flowing waters of the living Spirit. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God, The process of life seems to about building and rebuilding. It is about development, change and transition. I pray that you will be the architect and engineer of my design. I know I can count on you to build me correctly and fine tune my form. Thank you for participating in this enterprise of development so I can be the best me possible. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God, Help me to be a person of careful reflective thinking.  May I not react so much as respond.  May I be still and calm.  May I be a person of integrity and truthfulness.  In the light of your gaze and the vision of your heart may my Soul and Spirit aspire. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, Even though I be an old stump, worn and torn and surviving in a backwater creek, may I still be a resting place for new life. Might I offer a foundation of integrity and truth,  of beauty and harmony of respect and kindness. May my legacy be not just what I was  but what I support and believe for the future. In your help and in your grace and in your peace and in your love.  So be it. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God, Consider the state of my soul... If I have sinned by commission, may I be forgiven. If I have sinned by omission, may I be forgiven. May those who I have failed, grant me the grace of forgiveness. May I forgive myself and strive for a higher purpose. May I be lost in praise and thanksgiving, to you, my Lord and God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God, Surrounded by beauty, we inhale, and ponder the wonders of our world.  We also  have the means we have made to explore--, our technology is a wonder and we pause.  We balance that which is, has been and can be. The natural rhythms of life are intricate, We need your touch to be constant, to teach us awareness  and to love in beauty. Thank you God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God, Take me to the resting bench The bench of calm repose. Hold me dry and safe and warm, Support my weary form. Beneath me waters swirl and lap Reflect the sun and rain. But here in faith I play in grace I see your loving face. AMEN

MorningPrayer Werdnesday

Dear God, May I follow the pathway of your brightest presence.   Even though the mist obscures the future,  I trust that you will lead me with your loving smile and your sparkling vision.  Help me to walk this Kingdom of these days of my life with integrity and kindness so that the Kingdom of your eternal compassion  might be mine to claim and yours to give. Bless the Lord O my Soul. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God, Take our restless moving spirit and shine your radiance of grace upon it. We need your brilliance and colorful touch of love to give us both serenity and energy. Within the limits of our potential, might we explore the shoreline of  possibilities and continue to grow in elegance and faith.  In Jesus name, we pray,  AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God, Come Holy Spirit come! Fall upon us this hour. Animate us, Send your breath of life upon us. Fill us and overflow us. Let us be and do Within your loving compassion and wisdom.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday of Pentecost

Dear God, Fill us full of the Holy Spirit until our joy overflows. Let this gift of energy fall on us, giving us breath and power. Anoint us with your flames of passion and your breath of love. Animate us with new life and hope So that we might be life givers and  co-creators of your Kingdom of grace. Holy Spirit come.  AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Prayers of well being for Hannah, who today is in labor with her first child. Dear God, We prepare ourselves for a spring of faith.  We commit ourselves knowing that you are the ground of our leaping. .  We fling ourselves to the heavens, trusting in you.  Upside down in life, we know you are our vision and our grounding.  We spiral, we flip, we turn, in our mighty cartwheel of faith and life lived by the Spirit. Our trust is rewarded.  We are home in your love and resolute in your grace.  AMEN