
Showing posts from January, 2014

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,     Our goal is to achieve the highest and the best in the sacred space we are granted.  Sometimes this is difficult; we get confused, twisted, irrational, backward and upside down. We loose focus and "our stuff" gets in the way.  We need help, God, to achieve our goal.  We look to you to help us focus, to deal with our stuff, to stay balanced and find our way through the murk of life. Help us to be the of the highest spirit and of the best love in your grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday (afternoon version)

Dear God,     May we live and thrive in your love this day as sun-drenched creatures of gratitude and faith.  Like a winter flower let us stand with face to the sun and may we  bloom in the glory of a newborn day. Ahh, God, we murmur, thank you for the light of day, the heat of sun and the glory of growth. In deepest thankfulness we float in the breezes of your infinite and eternal grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,    In the chill of the morning air might we have the warmth of an inner fire.  Ignite our coals of purpose and meaning in the opportunity of your grace so we might burn with potential and glow red hot in activity.  May you,our God, be the heat in the room, the warmth of our  blanket, the fuel for our bodies, the flame for our heart and the sunshine of our souls. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear Healing Lord,     Sometimes it seems that we place bandages upon bandages, containing the wounds of life but never fully healing them.  Sometimes we treat and mend and tend the externals of our world  but we ignore the internal places where wellness and wholeness thrive. Help us, O God, to both deal with external wounds and focus on the internal spaces where the Spirit dwells. May the light of your love fill us full of healing light so that, in faith and saturated in grace, we know that we are whole and  well; complete in your divine self. AMEN                                 

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,      Maybe it is not a good day; the coffee is cold, the toast is burnt, the banana is tasteless, the dog ran away, it is windy and cold, the cat burnt its tail, my head is tired, the kids are fighting, there is nothing to wear, the cell phone is turning off... probably the car won't start and its out of gas and money is gone... everyone looks grumpy, the news is bad, the world is out-of-control, the weather is changing, the garden probably won't grow this summer and no one will give me presents next Christmas.     God, do youthink I should take a hot shower?  "Yes, my child, there is plenty of hot water."  AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Lord God,    May we enter into your presence with an open mind.  Might the warmth of your love melt the ice of our pains, freeing our hearts to forgive and give, to love and be loved.  May your Spirit be our wisdom and your sanctuary be the home of our soul. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,      The rhythm and the cycle of life is constant, moving us ever forward in loops and spirals, twists and turns.  Moon and sun exchange places in a timely measure.  The seasons bring cold and warm and the wind and snow, exchange places with the sun and rain.  In the flow of hibernation and growth we find our wings or huddle in our cocoon.  May we do so in gentle thanks for the life we have been given.  May we make the most of what we have and are. May we live in the blessings of love and grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,    Give us a playful heart and a voice of laughter.  Like a child, may we smile and dance for no good reason other than that life has opportunity.  May we lean back and smile and relish moments of quiet and the steam rising from a hot drink in the morning sun. May the cardinal flashing red at the feeder give us joy.  May our spirit remember our birth and the exclamations of wonder and delight at that moment.  May we relax and grin not frown. Jesus laughed. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,    Be with those who are sick and ill.  There are many who have colds, the flu or other ailments which cause discomfort and stress to our health.  There are many who have illnesses and diseases that need hospitalization and treatment.  Watch over us all and mend our ailments and place us in the healing light of your love.  Give comfort and strength to caretakers and help them to endure and be strong.  In all ways, we offer thanks God, for the blessings of life you have given us. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,    What little wealth we have, may we share it with others.  If it be a penny, may we cut it in half.  It be a smile, may we pass it on.  If it be a thought, might we share it freely. If it be a helping hand, may we reach out gently. If it be a word, might it be kindly given. If it be love, might we set it free in the spirit blown wind.  Lord, as we have received from you, might we in grace, give. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,     Sometimes we are overcome by the major currents in life, we are swept downstream and we need a lifeline to catch us; we need a rescuer who can give us hope and share faith.  But, even in the midst of the tumult can we still know small things of beauty and pleasure which will sustain us; a cats gentle meow, an orange sunrise, a flicker of snow in the air, a child's laugh and shrug a quick hug. In the pause between breaths we need to be still and know that you are God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,    Beyond what we see, underneath the scene, lies the truth, the whole thing.  Beyond what we know, beyond our knowledge, lies wisdom. the freedom to believe.  Beyond our hearing, into realms too shrill, lies new sounds, the cosmos expanding. Beyond ourselves our reflection in the mirror, lies the image of God.  May we be opened and filled with the mysteries  beyond, below and above, God being. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Thank You God,    For all that we have.  Many of us live in comfort with enough food, water, housing, clothing and luxury items.  Many of us have family, friends, community and church to support us.  Many of us have jobs and hobbies that are fulfilling and give us a sense of pleasure and meaning.   May we be so bold as to share  our fortune and meaning with others in a loving caring way.  May we share the happiness of our comforts as divine blessings and live in gratitude and joy in these days of our life.  In Jesus name we pray, AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Lord God,     The morning sun has gripped our minds and said, "Arise, arise and get up, the day is here and it is time to be and do."     We look to the blazing sun so close and yet so far and peer into the sky of trillions of miles and countless stars and wonder, where our light truly comes from?  We gaze at the signs of life and love around us and we peer into our own hearts and we see the light of your love illuminating our spirits and we know that the true light is found in the joy of your presence and in the nurturing community of life flowing around us. Saturate us, O God, with your light and love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,    We look for a loving, gentle word that offers serenity and peace.  The love like an earth wind that takes away cares and leaves behind a soothing presence.  A word that affirms our being and offers hope for the present and a vision for the future. A peace that reflects the sky and a serenity that floats rainbows. We look to lie back in the hammock of your grace and relax in the harmony of angels singing. May we be in your smile, soft and gentle, today. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,    May our minds be as clear and sharp as the air is crisp and cold.  May our feet not slip and slide but grip the earth with treads of resolve and determination.  May our hearts soar and spiral in the freedom of love and the bliss of life. May our prayers and our blessings be like speckled sunlight falling across the earth of need.  May we be in your eyes of blessing and pleasure, our God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,    There are those who cannot pray.  They are ill, tired, depressed, sad, sick, forlorn, disappointed or jumbled in thoughts, emotions and mind.  The joy or the need or the desire to pray is quenched by chemistry or circumstances beyond them.  But yet we know that prayer like points of energy and butterfly's of love can shake the earth and alter the events of an  individual life.  Today, O God, we lift up prayers for the many who cannot.  Hear our prayers, O God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,    Some of us live in the need for constant reassurance that we are, OK, that we are acceptable.  We need reminders that you have adopted us as sons and daughters and that you are pleased with us.  You have filled us full of the Holy Spirit and encourage us to seek the higher way.  Continue to fill us, God, and lead us to a greater understanding of the spirit in our lives and your plan of salvation for us. Continue to grace us with your loving acceptance. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,    Thank you for gifts of the spirit; for opening your heart to our heart and pouring your love upon us.  Thank you for holding us in the palm of your hand and not letting us drift away; for announcing to the universe that we are your beloved children. Thank you for accepting and affirming our worth, in spite of failures and limitations.  With you as our vision, may we live from the mountain top of grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,    It is a big earth.  There are people scattered like stars and galaxies across our planet and so many are unhappy and in distress.  What can we do, God?  How can we help?  You ask us to do justice and kindness  but how can we reach out to so many? In our own neighborhood, we can share  in compassion and love but what about the turmoil around the earth? How can we help?  Show us the way and give us a prayer and shower us with peace and loving kindness wherever we are.  It is clear that we are failing and we need your help. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,    Sometimes the meaning of life is fuzzy like dawn light filtered by cloud and rain.   We peer into the mist stripping away the layers of haze, and find haloes of love, rainbows of hope and sparkling crystals of joy. We offer praise and thanks to you, God, and the sky and earth clear and the clarity of meaning is breathtaking in its  brilliance. In wonder and mystery we see and know. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,    Help us to listen to the world; not with the outer doors of our house but deep inside where the fire burns and the house is warm.  In the inner stillness of our soul, open up our listening heart and mind so we can hear the murmur of the world and feel the vibration of your presence.  Help us to stop and listen. To be very still  and allow sound to explore us deep inside. O Lord, there, in the sounds of silence, may we hear the heartbeat of love and smile in the noise of eternal grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,    We stand before you, refined by the power of your energy. Light pours through us. We are illuminated and laid bare.  There are no hidden spots in us, no darkness, no residue of conceit or ego.  You bring us into the light of your presence and we stand fresh and newly born in your truth and beauty.  Cleansed and pure, may we radiate health and wellness and live forever in your grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Lord God,    The jet streams of the night have left fleeting tendrils stretched across our memory.  Thoughts and feelings that linger and flow in hazy understanding of light and dark.  Lord, separate the smoke from the reality and let us have clarity of sight and understanding.  Grant us clear vision for the day and wisdom for the tasks at hand. In your love and grace, we move and breathe. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,    In the crisp, clarity of this morning light, might we see the  beauty of your face and know the wisdom of the aeons. May our eyes be opened and our hearts be moved to new visions and new understandings of life, love and joy.  May we experience the tremors of peace overtaking our world and the contentment of the people, pursuing justice and  righteousness in a spirit of forgiveness.  May we, each of us, be fresh and new in your spirit, O God. AMEN                                              

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,    May we be so bold to request a few angels today, to hold us and help us and support us.  Surely, the spirit world has angels to spare who can lend us a hand and keep us healthy and flying straight.  A melody from the choir and a flutter of a wing would be a gentle touch.  Surround us with rainbow colors and a golden light. Perhaps, Jesus can walk with us and call us by name; a sign of divine presence would be helpful. Thank you God, for hearing our prayer. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,    Sometimes we are weary, our steps drag and we would like to walk on water with you.  Sometimes we are wounded spirits, our blood-of-being spilling on the ground and we would like to be filled with your living water. Sometimes our fears blind us and control us and we need to be set free in your love. Help us to reach out with hand and eyes and spirit to be supported and filled within your grace and the joy you offer to us all. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Lord God,    May we be filled with love; the love that gives and receives and  passes all understanding.  May this love change us and purify us and make us shine with a holy light.  May this love be the ground of our being that shapes not just us, but humanity. In this love we are souls alive in the mystery of your love, our God, who gives us life, gives us hope, establishes a vision of being, and fills us with grace. May love be our guide, just as God is love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,     You said through the prophet, "Be still and know that I am God."  With your help we would like that stillness.  The quiet that comes in the silence of the night that is like a warm blanket and a soothing prayer. The serenity of the heart that is the fullness of a star-filled night or a soft meadow filled with flowers. A spirit that is alive and vibrant but contented and fulfilled.  May your stillness be in us, O God, so we may be in your rest and peace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,    Help us to leap; to leap from star to star and then ride the moonbeams back to earth.  Help us to shine; to shine with an inner glow of joy and radiate love in the darkness. Help us to reach; to reach out a hand and accept your help and then extend our hand to another who needs help. Help us to live; to live fully in the mystery of life that is a precious treasure and share this faith from a soul that is eternal with a spirit that sings a heavenly song. Thank you God, for all your help. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,    We approach the New Year with hopes and dreams. You have given us rhythms and cycles of life as floats to help us measure and keep track of our life. You have given us faith as a way to measure our humaness as we relate to you and one another. If we have taken stock of ourselves and challenged ourselves to greater heights, then we ask for your help, guidance and comfort. Help us to grow in purity, beauty and truth. AMEN