
Showing posts from April, 2015

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Lord,     May you fill us with the flowing  waters of justice and righteousness.  May your living waters bring our cells to a heightened awareness of wisdom and mercy. May we walk the way in strength and conviction of your love and drink of your grace. May the wisdom waters mix in the font of holiness and may we, in abundance overflow in the Holy Spirit. Hear our prayer, AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,    We pray for justice among the people of the world.  Justice that is equality of recognition and opportunity.  The justice that you desire for us.  We pay for peace among your people.  Peace built upon tolerance, understanding, caring and mutual desires for justice and freedom; peace and justice for all that is based upon the teachings of Jesus and the Kingdom of God. May our hearts be opened as we cast aside fear and wrong pathways and may we be filled with the Holy Spirit of compassion and your vision for us. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,       Hear our prayer for those who have suffered loss through natural calamity or loss of human reckoning. For those who have lost loved ones, homes and livelihood we pray for their comfort and strength.  In pain,  physical trauma and illness, we pray that your balm of healing oils will bring wellness and wholeness.  May we reach out with hands of compassion and hearts of selfless giving and help and assist in whatever ways we can. In Jesus name we pray. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,      Like eagle, might we fly high above the earth  knowing the beauty of the rippling forests carved by ribbons of blue, flowing through ocean plains of green and bronze  until the oceanic meadow claims the river. Might we trust in this harmony of color and motion and see humanity in all our busyness as part of the unity.  Let us treasure what we have in our earth and in our common faces.  Let us respond with compassionate hearts and caring hands when misfortune falls upon us.  Let us be patient and kind, tolerant and understanding and above all, Christ like in our behavior.  Help us, O God. AMEN 

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,      From the deep silent center of ourselves, where the universe begins and our inner light ignites, in holiness let us walk and be.  Clothe us with a glimmering shawl of lights, sparkling in haloed radiance of the spirit.   Serenely,  with measured step and loving voice, may we bring joy and understanding into our world.  May we enter into the room and peace and leave it in hope and love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,     Open our senses;            to the taste of honey and lemon            to the feel of silk and sand           to the smell of skunk and rose           to the sound of siren and laughter           to the sight of rainbow and burned cookies.       To your grace and love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Holy Creator,       April breezes spring from the jet stream of your grace, igniting our longings and desires in vivid flowers of white, pinks, purples and yellows. We cup the rain in our petaled hands even as our faces burn in the dancing sun of your love.  What majesty and genius is this that splashes in the rainbows of the golden zone of life.  Breathless we breathe, and silently, our heart beats. Our blood flows down the mountains of the landscape and we mingle in the ocean of humanity.  How amazing is this grace, O God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,     Sometimes, on the fringes of our mind, we feel a slight nudging, like a sunbeam flashing through the trees. Do we pause and shake it off or stop and pay attention. Is it the Holy Spirit,  this moment of intuition or direction showing us a new pathway or urging us to do something that needs to be done. Yes, we think it is. We will try to be re attentive and listen to your nudging. AMEN 

Morningprayer Tuesday

Dear God,    Hold us gently in the palm of your hand.  Be a firm, organic threshold upon which we can stand.  For we are fragile and vulnerable, prone to disease, despair and misdeeds.  Let us absorb from the bloodstream of your passion the strength to endure hardship.  Let us be empowered from the sinews of your hands, with  the vision of eternity that will uplift our  spirit. In the  hollow of your palm, may we feel protected and loved. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,     Perhaps, we can do some good today; bring a smile to someone's heart, do a good deed, create new opportunities, be a rock upon which others can stand. If you will open the door of opportunity for us so that we can unleash our potential, that would be a wonderful thing for us, God. Help us to utilize our abilities and gifts in service to humanity and earth.  May we offer the highest and best of ourselves and see the Christ in all we meet. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Holy Lord,    A Holy Pause in our week.    Shhh... Listen to the murmur of the rain and the hiss of the sun rising.      Closing eyes, be saturated in the birdsong, a panoramic joyful symphony .    See the mist floating and sifting the new green of life, a million prayers of the earth.    Hush. Be still in the tranquility of the morning.  Breathe and be breath. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,    We are looking for a responsible sincere way of living and being --   Sharpen our minds with the whetstone of wisdom.  Increase our perceptions with the measuring cup of knowledge.  Deepen our humanness in the wellspring of compassion. Broaden our relational trust with the measuring tape of truth. Awaken our faith in the spiritual presence of you, the Living God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,     When we are plagued by insecurity and doubts, not sure which way to go, where to turn, what to do... Help us Lord.  Give us a road sign and a direction.  Show us the way.  If we have  fears and doubts take them away and give us peace and resolution. Help us  in humility to use our reason, history and  traditional wisdom.  Help us to use our faith in prayer and confidence.  Be our shepherd and lead us on rights paths. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,      The play of our life is unfolding.  We are not sure what Act we are in or how much of the play is left.  It is, not as predictable as a Hallmark movie.  We do pray that we will be the best we can be and that each Scene will be acted with integrity and sincerity. Sometimes, we are not sure who is writing our play, but we believe that we are actively involved.  We also would like you to be actively involved, God. May we follow your vision and script as best we are able.  With the help of the Holy Spirit....AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,       It is time to clean out the attic of our minds.  Let us sweep away the memories of regret with the broom of your love.  Let us dust the cobwebs of pain with the feather of your compassion.  Let us clean the entire space with the cloth of your forgiveness. Let us light up our attic minds with the light of redeeming grace.  Help us, O God, to clean and be cleaned. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,     What if the cells of our body were stars, each and every one.  And what if, the organs of our body were galaxies.  And what if our blood was your love flowing through and around each and every cell filling them full of light.   And what if your breath was the breath that animated and energized all our stars and all our galaxies, filling them full of love.  And what if our body was a universe and we were circling around and dancing with other bodies that are universes. Wouldn't that be a glorious thing. What if...AMEN


Thank You God,     For this day so bright with sun and hope and new eyesight.        For the growing things green and rainbow colored flowers and everything in-between.      For the water pure and the air clean, and starry skies and clouds that help us dream.      For food to eat and clothes to wear and family and friends everywhere.      For your presence so loving, your grace bestowing and your hands embracing. Thank you God, for all things. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,    Sometimes our days drag on forever.  This moment in time races around the perimeter of the universe in multiple ways and comes crashing back into our present; one second has passed. We are caught, there is no release clause.  But yet, we believe that you have the power to defy gravity.  In you, our God, we can be freed of time and space and be free to live in the eternity of your heartbeat. There, these moments don't imprison us, they release us. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Holy God,     When discouraged, hold us in the palm of your hands.  Instruct the angels to sing songs of hope and sunrise to us, surrounding us with new harmonies to uplift us.  Instruct the elders to surround us with loving compassion and protection.  Breathe into us the Spirit filled breath of new life and love.  In endless grace let us move and be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,      We see that our earth is alive, an organism of wind, fire, earth, water and power.  We know that our earth is gentle and sensitive, enduring and creative. We pray to be respectful of this, our home and to be in a relationship of understanding. Since we share the same breath, minerals and water may we live in harmony and unity. Since we share the same God, may we live in peace and love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,       Sometimes we feel dammed up, our energy blocked and we feel toxic and sick.  We need you to reach deep into the well of our being and release our  inner flow. Cleanse our chakras,  and bring us back to health. Help us remember our strength and power.  Ignite our inner flame and speak to us wisdom words of our birth.  May our spirit flow with your spirit with one heart. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,    The white sheen of morning encloses us like a cocoon.  In the silence we are embraced and breathe in comfort.  We pray quietly, a murmur in the hush of the cosmic rush.  What are we, God that our heart beats rhythmically in our small pinprick of space and we long for eternity with such  fervor.  Unseen by the stars but known to you, we sketch out our lives in print and music. Our world pulses in the light of your being. We are alive. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,      Thank you for this day.  A day for a Holy pause after a week of activity and a weekend of Glory.  May we inhale deeply of the wonder and mystery of light and life. May we linger in the silence of the garden and breathe the aroma of new life, of creation growing and expanding.  In thanks and praise for the gifts divine and the risen son and the potential for eternity, we receive love and we offer love in grace forever. "Be still, and know that I am God." AMEN

MorningPrayer Easter Sunday

Almighty God,     This morning, your creation is brimming with light.  The light by night and the light by day brilliantly adorning the heavens and lifting us out of darkness.  Morning has truly Broken, and the birds are flinging notes into the air like diamonds sparkling.  We leave the emptiness of the cave behind and fly into the light of hope, to live in the Kingdom, both now and future. We are fearless. Death has no power over us, and God reigns in truth and love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,    Sometimes we wonder if any of this or that matters.  Like Jonah, should we run from our destiny and prophetic calling.  Like Job, will all of our hopes and dreams end up in ashes. Like Moses, will we end up staring at our promised land. Like Ecclesiastes,  will we end up embittered and empty. But then, with a resounding, No, you touch our taproot with passion, and like David, we take off our sackclothes and give thanks and praise. Another day has dawned. The breeze of the Spirit stirs the air. You smile. AMEN

MorningPrayer Good Friday

Dear God,       Sometimes, it appears our dreams end in failure, on a cross of pain.  We weep in the moment of loss and see only our shadow slashed on the ground. But, what appears to us as failure, is for you, loving redirection. Help us, Holy One, to find our way through the darkness and be content with the new vision. Help us to see the unveiling of the Kingdom and take our place in the light, as a burning candle. Hold our tears in a cup of mourning and water the parched earth, turning weeping into new life. AMEN

MorningPrayer Maundy Thursday

Holy Lord,    We go with you to the garden to pray.  We kneel, head bowed.  We throw our soul before God and ask for mercy.  We pray to stay with you through the decisions, pain and suffering.  It is a holy and solemn moment.  The air is damp and fragrant in spring flowers and moist verdant earth. Our blood fills with the living waters of faith and we grow into the earth, the sinews of our legs mixing with the rocks and soil. We grow and bear fruit. We are your disciples springing forth, birthed in passion and victory. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,    In the hush of the morning light, we are still and count blessings. With every note of the chirping bird a blessing floats into the air and mingles with the sunlight, sparkling in our memory and our present thought. We are grateful in the silence and pause to experience the serenity. We believe this doxology of wonder flows from you and to you we offer praise and thanks. Thanks be to you, our God and Lord. AMEN