
Showing posts from August, 2016

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,     Help us climb the mountain and be transfigured in your love.  Cleanse us and make us white as snowy clouds.  Purify us and bring us to new heights of clarity in your grace.  Set before us, the Cosmic Christ so that we can walk in the valley of humanity with compassion and respect.  May we then, exemplify the fruits of the Spirit as cleansing pure waters of love. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,       Cruising like owl on whispered wings,       through morning mist and shadowed trees,      We bid farewell to gentle night,      to silent dawn we softly sing.     With us, please be, O Lord we say,     through laughing smiles of storms and sun,     to tears and sighs and tasks undone.     Watch over us this unknown day.    We call on Jesus,    In his name we pray. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,      Even though it is still August, fall cleaning time is approaching.  It is never to early to plan ahead.  There must be some things to clean out of the warehouse of our mind and the storage  cabinets of our spirit.  I am sure our souls are a bit dusty and could use a good polishing. Our emotions are a bit tarnished and our actions are filled with tumbleweed.  So with a little bit of effort on our part, a daily prayer for your help  and diligence by the Holy Spirit, we might just get ready for... well, anything. AMEN

MorningPrayer on SundayEvening

Dear God,    What a fine day you have given us.  A day of activity and fun and a busy day of being, doing and going. Thank you for the beauty that surrounds and for the health to do and be. Thank you for the family to share and for the love that abounds.  Thank you for the blessings that surround us and for the grace that carries us.  In all things, we are filled with gratitude for your mercy. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Sing glory deep in your spirit, Let your soul rejoice in the Lord. Sing Hallelujah in  your deepest self, Let joy saturate your being and bubble forth. Sing praises for creation's beauty, Let gratitude flow from your pores. In awe be humbled before this gift, The very gift of life, love and grace. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,   The morning light drifts in on milky fog, hushing the darkness and stilling night time dreams.  We listen to the whispered sounds of wakening, We float in the mist on owl wings and the coos of the morning dove. Life begins again, this morning, and we are blessed in the moment. In gratitude we breathe the light and smile ourselves forward, flowing with awareness, possibility  and potential. Into God Spirit we live. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Holy Lord,      Our world is full of distractions clamoring for our attention and our convictions. Our brain receives noises, shouts, speeches, demands  and is told what we are thinking; do we think these things, really? We believe in you, our Lord and God. You set our mind on paths of right thinking, giving us the seeds of growth and the water of the Spirit.  Help us to be clear thinking and open minded to the truth. Give us clarity and discernment. Share wisdom and knowledge with us.  Let us co-creators be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Dear God,       Here we are, safe in  the universe from exploding stars, gravitational waves, asteroids and suns rays and yet we are a constant danger to ourselves.  Here we are, living in the goldilocks zone of cosmic bliss and yet we maim and kill, destroy and fuss, living in stress and hatred, bitterness and greed.  We have arrived at some pinnacle of cerebral conscious thought and yet we use our ability to misunderstand, undermine and discredit. If there are aliens on this earth, then I guess it is us.      Be  thou our vision, O God. Help us to see more clearly and live in the hope and promise that you have given us. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,      May we each find a haven, a sanctuary of challenge and comfort this morning.  May we sit quietly and know eternity in its vastness and know your infinity in its closeness. Gather us under your wings of wandering stars and warmth of  August sun. In the miracle of this one life, might we find peace to hold us, wonders to explore and love to bind us. Hear our sighs and whispers in the hush of the prayer, O God. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,      Some of us have been tumbled on the shoreline, the tides scraping us clean and smoothing ragged edges. Sometimes we are caught in the surf or buried in the sand and it feels hopeless; there is no air and no light. But then, miracle of wonders, blessings and prayers, we are tossed to the light and lie resplendent, new glory surrounding our souls and our spirit filled with joy. In the tranquility of paradise, we know your garden of delight. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Shepherd God,      In the meadowland of contentment, we lay ourselves down.  You provide for us, food and drink.  We rest secure in your gaze, allowing the future to embrace us, even as we look to the heavens, planning our steps and working towards our dreams. There is no ending and no beginning.  There is this moment of grace and this time of faith.  In this bliss, may we be forever and ever, AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,      Sometimes we are like a gnarled tree, intricate branches twisting around ourselves, covered by vines that hold and pull us in awkward directions. The complexity distorts our mind, Our heart is constricted. Our spirit is uncertain. Help us, God. Give us simplicity and clarity. Perhaps, like a single blade of grass or a stalk of wheat we can purely be. Perhaps, in the image of Jesus we might be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,     Morning comes, complete in its minute by minute play.  Every niche and cranny, each second is full to bursting with life, creation bubbling and gurgling in its creative evolutionary impulse. And so, we ask you, God, which niche do we fill and what purpose do we fulfill? For as surely as the dogs bark, the cats leap, the birds chirp and the insects whirr do we also have our place of being.  Let contentment and joy be ours in the journey. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,      Sometimes a veil falls across our mind, like a fog floating over the river and coasting into the alleys of the village. Unable to see clearly we think and feel blind, attempting to navigate through the murk of emotions and thoughts. Are we sad, depressed, lost, bewildered,joyless...? Help us, God. Lift the veil and give us clarity and joy.  Return us to the river of clear water and the streets of praise. May we be free in you. AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Creator God,     For the morning dew bringing life to seedlings.     For the morning sun breathing warmth of new hope.     For the sighing of the Spirit painting colors of impossibility on our faces.     ...we meditate in  wonder on the miracles that surround and form the depths of our being.    AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

Dear God,        In the rhythm of this day might we find holiness that we absorb like a sponge. Open our eyes, God, so that we might have vision and insight in this gift of the Spirit. Infuse us with the joy of your love that celebrates possibility and opportunity... and then in the silence of the eternal whisperer, might we find ourselves in the harmony and beauty of graceful truth. AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Dear God,    In our tasks of this day, might we strive for excellence, no matter how lofty or humble they might be. May we be attentive and fully engaged in our labors, mindful of the moment and fulfilled in our efforts. Bend our minds and our hearts to simplicity and our spirit to spiritual heights. May we soar in the skies of your love and dwell in  your house forever. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,      May our burdens be light and may we not be a burden.      May our smiles be many and our laughter genuine and free.      May our joy be deep and our peace be infinite.      May our love be of our soul and grace be eternal.      May our optimism be of life and our faith be of you.      AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

 Dear God,      There is a spiritual nectar that like the  hummingbird we desire.  But we flit and skittle ad only occasionally drink deeply of that which is freely offered. Settle our nerves, desires and propensity to avoid the grace of love and life that is ours for the asking. When Jesus offers the water that quenches thirst, let us drink deeply. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,      In the stillness of the morning pause, we hear our silence echoing in the cosmic symphony.  We reach a trembling hand filled with music towards the stars; are we conductor or musician? What fills our hearts' desire and fulfills our souls need?  In our freedom, we capture the extremes of beat and sound and in our spirit we know your pulse that maintains our rhythm and balance. Surround sound us, O God, and be our inspiration melody AMEN

MorningPrayer Monday

Holy Lord,     We pray, "Thy will be done."  Help us to discern your will for us, to find our way through the maze of opportunities and develop to our fullest potential the possibilities  available. For truly, our footprint on earth is brief and fleeting.  May it be clean and pure and may we fill the gaps of need and leave goodness and mercy behind. AMEN

MorningPrayer Sunday

In all things, O God, we strive for pure minds and clean hearts. We desire to be helpful and not harmful of humanity and all of creation.  We hope for the highest good and aim for souls of spiritual wholeness.  May we follow in the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth as he walked the discipline of God's love and humanities vision. May we in completeness and wellness be. AMEN

MorningPrayer Saturday

Dear God,      Alive, awake, alert, we come off the spiritual mountain into the valley of humanity unfolding. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, quench the thirst of the thristy;give that which sustains life and bolsters the soul. Out of our abundance and our options in life, we give to those who need and long. Help us, O God, AMEN

MorningPrayer Friday

Holy Lord,      When the seas and winds of life threaten to swamp us help us to find the inner space of calm and quiet peace. Remind us to lift our voice in prayer and touch your loving grace with our need. May the chaos flow away, parting around us and may we find the serenity that passes all understanding. In your name, we pray. AMEN

MorningPrayer Thursday

Dear God,     For this writer and for most of us reading this prayer, we have so many options in life. In the midst of those options, we have comforts, conveniences, luxuries and expendables; breakfast choices, clothing choices, car choices, doing choices... the list is long.  It is not that we don't also have difficulties, stressors, pain and loss, because we do... but. So, it is humbly and with gratitude that we give thanks and recognize that we are a privileged minority in this world. We lift up this prayer of thanks and pray for those who have not. AMEN

MorningPrayer Wednesday

Dear God,      The day opened quietly like a sunflower staring at the sky, silent, waiting and solemn.  The August leaves lay darkly on the branches, the clouds coast by on white wings and the sky sings a blue lullaby. You have adorned our land in majesty, but are we blind?  Do we rush and crow our raucous songs and not notice that which is harmonious, beautiful and truthful? Create in us hearts that long for a spiritual birthing and souls of serenity like the sunflower. In the garden of resurrection, let us witness new birth. AMEN

MorningPrayer Tuesday

Dear God,      Help us to be observant of our attitudes, words and actions; as the quiet pond or lake is reflective of the world, might we be quietly reflective of what falls upon us.  Help us to not absorb that which is malicious, hurtful or unkind. May we reflect back to the world that which is harmonious, peaceful and beautiful.  Might we be  firm in our convictions in so far as they magnify your grace and the compassion of Jesus. AMEN